Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Well we decided, for now, not to try to sell the house. Michael admitted to me the other night that the whole idea of it gives him a sick feeling, he doesn't feel at peace about it, and he doesn't want to leave our home. The truth is, it's so easy to get ahead of God, and it's also really hard to know if it's God telling you to do something or just something you yourself want. It's frustrating. I am the type person that wants to pray for a day or two, and have the answers fall into my lap (aren't we all that way!) but God does NOT work that way all the time. It all has to happen in HIS TIMING, so that's what we're going to wait on for now...God's timing.

You know what made ME feel sick the other day? Read my prayer blog to find out.

That's it for the moment! Have a great weekend!



Last night we went to see "Million Dollar Baby". To be honest, I went on Michael's recommendation only, as I had no desire to see a "boxing movie". But he was persistent in reminding me "It's not just a boxing's a drama." Okay, so I took his word for it and I went. Besides, it's not like I had anything else to do. Let me put it to you this way, it was's one of those movies that will stick in your mind for days to come...and Morgan Freeman narrating the whole movie, well, that just MADE the movie. I can't give much away about the movie, especially the ending, but NONE of the reviews Michael read even came close to hinting how this movie might end, so Michael was baffled. If Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman and Hilary Swank do not win Oscars for this movie, I will be truly shocked. In short, GO SEE IT.

Now for my own personal "family friendly" ratings:

The movie is rated R, for boxing violence, and some bad language. There is one "F" word in the whole movie, and one "D" word (no, not the other word for darn), but the only other bad words are the "H" word and the "D" word that's the other word for darn, and those were few and far between. And I think the "A" word might have popped up twice. There is no nudity, no sex scenes. No, I wouldn't take my little kids to see this, but I still feel like I should forewarn in case any of the above might disturb you. :-)



Here's the link to my prayer blog, as promised.


How many times have I had a bad quality or bad personality trait pointed out to me, that I was previously blind to before someone was so kind to point said flaw out to me? I don't have enough fingers and toes to count it on.


How many times have I had a GOOD quality or GOOD personality trait pointed out to me, that I was previously blind to before someone was so kind to point it out to me? It finally happened Sunday.

I mean, SOMETIMES we can admit when we're wrong, and we can admit our quirks and flaws, but as humans, we tend to candy coat the good things about ourselves in our own minds, and deny or hide the bad things, right? Which is why I was stunned when someone Sunday night told me about a wonderful thing he and another person had seen in me, that I didn't know about myself. It was very good to know!

In other news, we didn't have the realtor come by Monday night, and rescheduled for this Thursday night. I just had too many things that needed to get done before I wanted the house to be seen by the man that's supposed to be promoting our house. Compared to a lot of houses I've been in, our house looks great. Some people even say my house is "spotless", but I don't see it. I think once everything is repainted, it will look a lot better. I'm a lousy painter, and my painting boo-boo's from last year stand out too bad. And the carpet severely needs cleaning, or even better, replaced. Especially in the living room. If I can give it a good steam cleaning, it will do until we can get it replaced. But we're waiting on our tax refund check so I can buy a steam cleaner.

Speaking of tax refund check, we're getting back a pretty good chunk. How does a tad over $5,000 sound? That will give us enough money to work with as far as a down payment on another place goes, and enough money to do the fixing up of this place. THAT is an answered prayer!! I only asked God for $4,000, and He gave us $5,000. Which was FAR more than we ever dreamed we'd get back.

And speaking of answered prayer, I am thinking of starting a prayer journal. I want to write down specific prayer requests, as well as writing down when those prayers were answered. Once I get it set up, I will link it to this blog, and anyone that reads this can feel free to read my prayer journal. There is nothing to hide when it comes to prayer and seeing those prayers answered by God!

Until next time...TTFN!
