Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


We couldn't have asked for better Trick-or-Treat weather. The kids had a blast...Jacob had so much fun, he didn't want to come in, which he didn't without throwing a fit.They looked so cute in their costumes, er, cool in their costumes. (Boys don't like to be called cute, I've noticed. According to Travis, boys must be referred to as "cool", lol.) We just went up and down our street (the houses that appeared to be participating in dishing out candy), and the boys collected more candy than our household will probably ever eat. After we came back home, I figured we would have avoided the rush of trick-or-treaters coming to our door, but I was wrong! We had more kids show up than any of the years past COMBINED. We started out with a huge overflowing bowl of candy, and ended up having to turn kids away because we ran out. Rachel, Abigail and Ben came over, and we had ordered a Chick-Fil-A nugget tray (those things are da bomb!), we had chips & dip, Halloween cookies, I made brownies, and little smokies in BBQ sauce. Baby Abby didn't even know she was here, I don't think, because she never woke up. She stayed strapped in her little infant carrier the whole time. I promise she doesn't even look real! Her skin is so pretty and pink, and she's sooo tiny!


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