Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Today's phone conversations...

Conversation #1:
:::phone rings:::

Dad: Hello?
Me: Hey, what are you doing?
Dad: Are you out runnin' around?
Me: No, I was on the phone earlier, and I don't have call waiting.
Dad: Mom said something about you coming over to spend the night tonight since Michael's going to Knoxville?
Me: No, that's next weekend. I talked to Mom last weekend and told her weekend after next.
Dad: Oh...
Me: I guess she misunderstood me or something.
Dad: Oh, okay. Well we were heading out pretty early in the morning, so I was going to see what you planned on doing.
Me: Oh, where are you going?
Dad: Ripley, for the big flea market they have down there the 1st Saturday of every month.
Me: Ohhhh, okay, cool. Yeah, it's next weekend I wanted to come spend the night.
Dad: Well, alright then. Do you want to go with us?
Me: Yeah, I'd love to go! Michael's working, and that'd be fun. I could bring the stroller for Jacob.
Dad: You think they can handle it okay, being gone all day?
Me: Oh yeah, the kids do great on road trips, and they will probably sleep in the car.
Dad: Okay, well we're heading out early. Can you be here at 7 in the morning?
Me: Yeah, no problem!
Dad: Alright, then, I will call you again later this evening to confirm everything, make sure we're all singing off the same sheet of music.
Me: Oh, Okay! Bye!
Dad: Bye-Bye

Conversation #2
:::phone rings:::
Me: Hello?
Dad: Candy?
Me: Yeah?
Dad: Looks like we're going to have to cancel tomorrow.
Me: Oh, why?
Dad: Mom came home not feeling good today, she had a bad day.
Me: Oh, what's wrong?
Dad: Just school.
Me: Oh?
Dad: Maybe you can go another time when the boys can stay with Michael.
Me: What do you mean?
Dad: Well if they get whiney or something, I don't think she'll be able to handle it.
Me: Well Michael works on Saturdays, so there won't ever be a time I can go without the boys.
Dad: Every Saturday?
Me: Well, he almost always ends up working the 1st Saturday of the month (which is when they have the flea market each month).
Dad: Well...
Me: I was really looking forward to going, plus Michael even gave me some money so I could go. I mean, my kids are really good kids...they are boys, but they aren't that rowdy and rambunctious, and they do great on trips, and I take them shopping and everywhere else. They're good kids!
Dad: But we're going to be gone all day.
Me: How long is all day?
Dad: Well we'll be at the thing [shopping] for 3 or 4 hours...can they handle that?
Me: Oh yeah!
Dad: We're going to be at Norman's cooking out afterwards. [this was new information to me], do you think the boys could handle that?
[At this point I was ready to say "just F-it" and hang up]
Me: Oh yeah, definitely!
Dad: Well, okay, since you've already made plans to go and all, we'll just go with or without your mother.
Me: Well good grief, if it's that much of a problem, then just forget it.
Dad: No, no, be here at 7 and we'll go.
Me: Okay then.
Dad: See you in the morning at 7.
Me: Okay, bye.

I called Michael, told him what all was said. He called his Mom, told her what was said, and you know what she had to say? "You just tell her to send the kids up here [car lot] tomorrow." She has a freaking business to run, but is still willing and able to take care of the kids, in spite of her own health issues, being really busy, etc., etc. What the FREAK is my Mom's problem?!?!?!?! My Mom wouldn't even have to take care of the kids. They're my kids, and they're my responsibility...I would bring plenty of snacks, cups, toys, etc. to keep them busy on the trip. They are very calm, well-mannered, sweet-natured kids. (I'm not just saying that because they're my kids...I have received SO MANY compliments on how well-behaved my children are!) My Mom makes time for her parents, her sister, my sister's kids, her teacher friends, the list goes on and on. But she NEVER has time for me and my kids. How much more of this should I put up with? It breaks my heart.

What would you do if you were in my shoes?


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