Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


When something isn't working out on more levels that you can count, you know it's time to move on. Especially before things get worse. Especially while things are still on semi-good terms. Especially when I have the support of practically everyone. I will go into more details perhaps later.

Today was a beautiful Fall day. No stress, no worries, no complaining, no whining, and I actually got a lot of things done today and still had time to soak in the tub, and enjoy the day outside for awhile, and just enjoyed being a Mom. Tonight's menu...homemade oregano chicken pizza, and if there's time, blueberry muffins for dessert, and then we're watching Batman Begins. Sounds like a nice evening with my hubby and kids. Is it all too good to be true? Is the bottom going to fall out tomorrow? Or is the sky going to fall on top of me? Whenever I have a day as calm as today, I honestly can't help but wonder. It's time to go put on my chef's hat! Toodles!


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