Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Happy 2nd Birthday blog! It's pretty neat going back through time, getting a look at what has happened over the past couple years. I know I've not been that great at remembering to blog lately (more like, having TIME to blog lately!), but I do the best I can, so I guess that's all that really matters, right?

At church the last couple Sundays, the Pastor has made the announcement that if your child has had fever in the last 24 hours, DO NOT BRING THEM TO CHURCH, especially the little ones that go to the nursery. That's all well and good, but something else should be added to this rule. If your child has thrown up in the last 24 hours, DO NOT BRING THEM TO CHURCH! I already felt strongly about this, but after you read Michael's post, you'll understand why I feel so adamently about this. And I guess I just have one question that's semi-related to this topic: Why is it programmed in a Mom's brain to automatically get up and clean up the mess, while it's programmed in the Dad's brain to pretend he didn't hear a thing and fake being asleep?


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