Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I hate germs. I hate being sick. Why don't they sell those quarantine bubbles at Walmart so you can stuff the sick family member in there and zip 'em up? Michael started out with "the crud", and as luck would have it, "the crud" torch was passed onto me. I'm so honored! I don't think I've had sinusey, coughy, stuffy, throaty stuff since I had bronchitis, which was back in the early summer or late spring I think, and I don't really count that in the same category as this. Needless to say, I'm sitting here blogging because I just couldn't make myself get into gear to get up at 5 a.m., get showered, dressed, bags packed, the kids up and dressed, to drive 40 minutes to take Travis to 4-year-old Kindergarten, PLUS I didn't want to pass "the crud torch" onto baby Katey (the little baby girl that I babysit while Travis is in school). Heaven forbid if Travis misses a couple of color sheets today, plus he seems pretty wiped out from the baby shower last night, so I don't think he really cares either.

We had my niece's baby shower last night. (Yes, I have a niece old enough to be having a baby.) It was a co-ed shower, just a family thing, which was cool. Next baby I have (if there is a next one sometime down the road), I want a shower like that! Something about having guys there makes it more fun, more rowdy. Women just sit around and sip punch and go "Awwwww" at the little baby clothes. This was definitely more fun. My sis-in-law and myself put this thing together, and we had it at her house (thank the Lord!). My biggest contribution to the shower was the cake. She got LOTS of much needed baby stuff, which her fiance wasn't even there to watch her open them. He came to the shower with my niece, but had to turn around and leave at 6:30 to pick up some parts at the 4-wheeler shop. Why that could not wait until another day is beyond me, and when he told people where he was going, you could just sense the eyes rolling in the room. He showed back up after just about everything was over, with a drink in his hand. Oh, so he went to wherever this ATV shop was, AND had time to get a drink, and THEN, THEN, after the shower, he left without even saying BYE to his fiance who is about to have a baby! He told someone else to tell her that he had to go do something (I can't remember what lame excuse it was), and by that point I was ready to smack him...and smack her. I don't know if she believes he's really going to stick around for her or what, but most of us are thinking she's going to be in for a rude awakening. I would have told that loser to hit the road a long, long, long time ago.

Honestly? I think my blood pressure has been running high lately because I have neglected my blog-life. I need to come on here more often and let off some steam. My ears are scalded.

P.S. If anyone that reads this needs a cake for birthdays, baby showers, etc., I am your cake lady (if you're in the Memphis area). Right now, since I'm just learning and getting started in this, I will only charge for materials. The "labor" is sort of a hobby for me, and I have fun doing it. I can rent the pans for $1 each, the cake boxes are $1.50, and cake mix costs no more than $2, the rest of the price will depend on how many tubs of icing the particular cake calls for, and how many different colors the decoration calls for, if I don't already have those colors in my stuff. The cakes I've done so far took 2 or 3 tubs, and the icing is $2.99/tub. The colors are also $2.99 each, but I won't charge for the color if I already have it. This is actually quite a deal, when you consider you could buy a cake at Schnucks or Walmart and pay over $20, and they aren't really that unique and they don't taste that great either. There are MANY characters available...Dora, Spongebob, Spiderman, several Star Wars characters (I'm waiting on someone to ask for the R2D2 cake, lol), and many non-character cakes, if you want something a little more creative, like cars, trucks, dinosaurs, animals, you name it, there's a cake for it. The possibilities are really endless! I'm just having fun practicing and learning how to decorate cakes, and watching friends and family light up in amazement. You can e-mail me at if you're interested and want to talk to me about a cake.


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