Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Ya know, blogging used to be a habit for me. Such a habit that it'd be the first thing I'd do in the morning, or the last thing I'd do before going to bed at night, or maybe both and a little in between. But here lately, the world of blogging is just a long lost planet that I haven't visited in awhile.

So just to update briefly,

1) Jacob had his 2nd birthday on June 3. We had his party June 11 because we had a family reunion to go to the weekend of his birthday.

2) While we were at the reunion, we got another cat, a black & gray tabby with white feet...sort of like white mittens on her front paws, and white knee socks on her back ones. Michael's Grandma's (we went to her house the night before the reunion) cat had some kittens, and they had just turned 6 weeks old, and I fell in love with the one with the white paws. We went back & forth on her name (we do hope it's REALLY a girl this time!), and finally came up with "Baby", which turned into "Babygirl". Some other notable names that we came up with? Padme (from Star Wars), Meridith (since we got her in Meridian), Dixie, Delilah, Jessica, Tiara (instead of Princess, I thought maybe that would sound unique and like royalty or something), and a whole bunch of other names. Of course, I call her "Booger" most the time, and Michael calls her "Turdhead", lol. Once she got used to Kira, they became inseperable. They share everything and do everything at the same time...they share a dish, take naps together, even bathe each other and have wrestling matches. Pure entertainment.

3) Travis' last tee ball game is this coming Monday (whew!) and while I'm somewhat relieved, it's also kinda sad because a lot of our kids will be moving up to the 5/6-year-olds next year. We're having our end-of-season party the following Monday.

4) Our 5-year wedding anniversary is TOMORROW! To celebrate, we are going downtown and having dinner at Texas de Brazil, and then the plan is to go up to the roof of the Peabody, and then go catch a movie at Peabody Place. I'm excited about getting to go out on a real's been AWHILE! I'll let you know how that restaurant is. When we made our reservation, they told us to bring about $100 for 2 people...YIKES! Amazingly and THANKFULLY, Michael remembered some old savings bonds he had won back in 1988 and 1990 in some spelling bees, and he's going to cash them, they are now worth like $117.

5) LAST of all, I went to the doctor today...a urologist to be exact. I have been having kidney stone problems again. Some of you that read this may remember that I've had kidney stones on and off since I was 14, and every year to 18 months or so, I will have one. They DO NOT feel good AT ALL. I have been in pain now since last Wednesday, over a week now, and so yesterday I made an appointment. My main concern was that I've never had the pain last more than 3 or 4 days, and so I thought maybe I have a stone that's too big to pass on my own. (Sorry if all of this is kind of gross or whatever.) Anyway, my Mom came & stayed with the kids and my Dad drove me to the doctor's office out in Germantown (he still treats me like a little girl sometimes :-) ). They did an x-ray and a pee test, which neither of those showed anything, but the doctor told me that depending upon what the stone is made up of, there are some kinds of stones that do not show up in an x-ray, so he wants me to have a cat scan done, which would also rule out other problems too, such as tumors, blockages, even a shriveled-up kidney. The thing is, about a year or so ago, when I went to see a regular family doctor for my high blood pressure, he couldn't really figure out why at my young age I'd be having blood pressure problems. I'm only 25, and he explained to me that kidneys regulate BP, and it could be that one of my kidneys isn't functioning properly or there could be a blockage of some sort, causing my BP to go up. So I have all these red flags going off in my head, and the doctor I visited today even brought that up. So my cat scan is scheduled for next Tuesday at 3 p.m. Just be praying for me that it's nothing majorly serious. I think I'd rather it just be a stone and nothing more. Anyway, I need to go take some more pain medicine! I will update when I know more!


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