Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Much rejoicing is in order because I slept last night. It wasn't totally uninterupted sleep, mind you, but it was sleep for more than a couple hours at a time. I am still hacking up lungs so it seems, but I don't think it's happening quite as often.

In other news, you know what bugs me? I haven't done a "what's bugging me" post lately, but there are a couple things really nagging me right now:

1) People that over-exaggerate. For example, if a friend tells you that he/she walked on his/her treadmill for 3 hours, when he/she has only owned said treadmill for a week, he/she is overly exaggerating. Okay, so maybe that person walked 3 hours on that treadmill over the course of 3 days or so, but in one day? I doubt it. I have a treadmill, and the first week I used it, the most I got up to was 30 minutes at one time. I eventually got to where I could walk an hour a day, but not all at once, either. It has an incline on it, and after 2 babies and being out of shape, 3 hours just ain't happening!

2) There was something else, and I swear I went totally blank! Dang it! Maybe that's what's bugging me...the fact that I can't remember stuff half the time. I can be on the phone, about to say something, and it evaporates off the tip of my tongue! Actually, that's really not what I was going to say, but that really does bug me. Oh well, maybe I'll remember later.

Anyway, Travis' very first game is Monday night, and Michael is highly worried because he doesn't really have enough coaches, and he's stressing big time. I tried to get him to call the Park Commission person weeks ago and express his concerns with him, but again, Michael is the type who avoids confrontation at all cost. I guess he lets me be the !@#$% in the family :-) Either way, I am excited about seeing Travis in his uniform! He's going to look SO CUTE!

More later!


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