Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Whoa, is it March already? I looked at the calendar and I realized I turn 25 next month. If by some miracle I live to be 100, that means 1/4 of my life has been lived. The longest anyone in my family (that I know of) has ever lived is 86. So chances are, I've lived MORE than 1/4 of my life. And that's even if I get the chance to die at a ripe old age. No one really knows what the future holds. I could be crushed in a car accident next week, or find out at age 40 I have cancer. Not trying to sound depressing, but every great once in awhile, I think about my life and whether or not I've done anything to impact anyone's life for the better, or if I've really "lived".

Don't get me wrong...I love the life that I have now...I enjoy being "Mama", taking care of my little ones, taking care of the house, being here when my husband gets home from work...but is it too selfish to ask for some "me" time, or to have a hobby to enjoy? It's almost too easy to kind of forget who you are and what you like when the house is filled with "boy" stuff, so forgive me if I need "girl" time sometimes. Within the next week or so, I plan to get together with a girlfriend and go SHOPPING! I guess shopping IS my hobby. It's the one thing I look forward to the most, and can't ever get enough of it. Of course, come football season, my "hobby" will be going to football games and tailgating and getting as much Memphis Tigers stuff on my body, car, house, etc., as possible, but that wasn't originally my hobby. That was Michael's hobby that he sort of got me involved in. And I'm not nearly as passionate about it as he is. I do have fun going along though, and I love the football environment.

The biggest problem with having a hobby is that it usually costs money, and the money tree in the back yard hasn't sprouted yet, so I just do the best I can. Like last night, I went shopping by Fred's. I actually enjoyed it. And you can come out of there with a whole buggy of useful AND useless stuff for pretty darn cheap. The store was mostly empty last night, and I took my sweet time pushing a buggy down each and every aisle, just to see what kind of stuff I could find. It was some "me" time, intended to take my mind off the stresses of home, some relaxation time. I mostly bought household supplies, like a new mop, clorox wipes, carpet stain remover, fabric softener, ibuprofen, diaper rash ointment, cough medicine, shampoo, conditioner, but I also bought me a (much needed) shoe rack, and some pretty assorted fruit to put in the little fruit basket that sits in the middle of my kitchen table (my kitchen is decorated in fruit). Oh, and I bought the kids their Easter baskets and some candy to put in them.

Dang, I really didn't mean to get into all of that, but what the's been awhile. I haven't blogged in forever, and I seldom check my e-mail anymore. Both kids have been sick (and to think I actually believed the lie that the germs were going to just skip over our house this year!), and I've just been busy being Mama.

In closing, here is my tip 'o' the day:

NOTHING travels FASTER than a bad check. And nothing travels SLOWER than a tax refund check. (Somebody tell me why!!!)


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