Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Is it just me, or was Easter really, really crappy this year? I mean, cold rain blowing sideways is NOT my idea of a nice Easter Sunday. Had it been scattered showers here and there, warmer temps, and like NO WIND, it might have been acceptable. All the egg hunts had to be indoors (not like the kids cared...they just wanted chocolate). I woke up Sunday morning with a horribly bad sore throat, and I was supposed to sing in church the song I wrote last year (it's an Easter song), but I had to tell the Pastor that I didn't have much of a voice, and they had to find someone to sing in my place. I also had to teach Sunday school, and I had bought them some Easter candy, and several of the kids made it very clear they didn't like the kind I bought. Like, what kid doesn't like something chocolate in the shape of an egg?? Weird! I had no voice hardly, and I had to be really firm with the kids at the beginning of class to let them know they better be quiet and not speak out of turn because my throat was hurting really bad and I didn't want to have to talk over them. On the whole, they were pretty good. I had one little boy that was a visitor, and he didn't want to color and he didn't want the "Visitor Treat" I gave him. He started tuning up (crying) during song time, and I thought I was going to have to get his mommy. After church, we went to my in-laws for Easter Dinner, and I felt like CRAP by the time we got there. I laid around most the time we were there, and when we came back home, I went straight to bed. That was like 5:30 p.m., and I didn't get up until 8:20 the next morning. I felt achy all over, my head hurt, my back hurt, my throat felt like I tried to swallow a sword and missed. Yesterday I felt just as bad, and did NOTHING around the house. I have not done dishes in two days, and I have a mountain of laundry that needs to be folded, plus another mountain that needs to be washed. I went to bed around 9:30 last night, and the cat curled up with me, and then about 3:30 this morning, I came to the couch (for some reason when I'm sick, I can sleep better on the couch), and the cat followed me and went to sleep with me again. When I woke up this morning, I had trouble breathing and I had to get up and make myself some hot tea just to settle my throat down and take the edge off the pain. Every time I cough, it aggravates my throat that much more. Plus all day yesterday, I had to deal with an unhappy tee ball parent (too long of a story to go into...and by the way, in case I forgot to mention, Michael is Travis' tee ball coach, which means I get the pleasant job of contacting parents when needed, and YESTERDAY was NOT the day for that). Today is Travis' first day of practice, and I don't even know if I'll get to go. I HATE being sick, and it always hits at the worst times. Of course, is there REALLY a good time to get sick? This whole entry is kind of out of order or something, but who really reads this anymore anyway? Maybe tomorrow will be a better day and I can post something more positive.


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