Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Wow, so like, HI! I know it's been awhile, for me anyways, and figured it's time for an update finally. So here goes...

I kept my great-nephew yesterday while his "G-Daddy" went to the doctor in Memphis. He's almost exactly one year older than Travis, and if it weren't for him being a little taller and bigger than Travis, I would've thought he was 2, based on his speech and his behavior. I kept having to remind myself "My kids are a rare exception...he's not Travis...I can't expect him to be that well-behaved." What's bad is when I told the child "NO" repeatedly, he looked me square in the eye and said "Why? Are you gonna spank me?" to which I replied, "No, I'm not your mama, but when your G-Daddy gets here to pick you up, I'll tell him you misbehaved!" G-Daddy is what he calls his Granddaddy, that's not even his Granddaddy...he's one of his great uncles. Long, long, dysfunctional family story...don't really care to go into it, and it's far too confusing, PLUS I don't know who reads this and might get offended. Not that I generally care, but it's a sensitive family issue, ya know. Just to sum it up, he told me several times that he doesn't have a daddy. Very sad. Anyway, I had a very hard time understanding what he was saying. Travis is a year younger and talks far more clear and plain. Anyway, my great nephew kept wanting to get out the Hungry Hungry Hippos game, and I kept telling him "NO" because it contains little pieces and Jacob might swallow the little white marbels. My great nephew looked me square in the eye again and replied "You don't let me play it, I won't come back anymore," and I'm thinking "Okay! Good!" The child jumped on my couch, ran all over the place, wouldn't sit still long enough to do anything for more than 5 minutes, and he ran head-first into the playpen, WITH JACOB IN IT, nearly dumping the playpen over. What I REALLY couldn't figure out was...if his appointment was not until 1 p.m., then WHY did he drop him by here at 10 a.m., 3 hours before his appointment? His G-daddy (which is my brother-in-law by the way, er half brother-in-law I guess), said that if he gets to the doctor early, they will see him early. Well not yesterday! He didn't get here until like 2:30 to pick him up! Needless to say, we survived, and Travis DID have fun with him, even though he had to sacrifice his Spiderman cup at lunch time.

Okay, so enough of that! We went to see "Meet the Fockers" Friday night. It was kinda nice getting to go to a late-night movie for once. Terri (my sister-in-law) had called before Michael got home from work to see if the kids could spend the night with her, and I told her we'd call her when we got back from eating supper. Michael wanted to take us to Fire Mountain, so while we were eating, I had the bright idea of dropping the kids off and going to a movie, so that's exactly what we did. I'd say that movie was funnier than the first one! If you haven't seen it, and you've seen "Meet the Parents' (who hasn't?), then go see "Meet the Fockers." Just be careful how you say it to the lady behind the window. Anyway, after that he took me to Sonic and bought me a milkshake. It was kinda nice just sitting in the car, listening to the radio, not in any hurry to get the kids. We came home and ended up watching TV in bed 'til like 2 a.m.

Saturday was mostly uneventful. We spent time planning (trying to) a vacation, somewhere we could take Travis, and also something to do for our anniversary. After much looking around and talking and stuff, we are not any closer deciding on a destination. Grrrr. I think a lot of it just depends on how much of a refund we get on our taxes, which we won't know that until we get a statement from our mortgage company for the property taxes and mortgage interest. Then Saturday night we all met for Terri's birthday....if you haven't tried the Seafood Junction in Byhalia, GO THERE! It ROCKS!

Sunday was church, of course, and we stayed there all afternoon between church services. It was good because it gave me some time to practice in the church with some peace and quiet. Some of the men and most the kids went outside and played football in the church parking lot, and me and Jacob slept in the nursery, or tried to! We got a little cat nap at least.

If you think about it over the next week, please pray for Jacob. He's having some work done on his teeth next Wednesday, the 19th. He has to have his top four front teeth capped, and they have to put him to sleep to do it. We have to be at the hospital that day at 6:30 a.m., and we have to take him for a physical on Monday the 17th, which is not even with HIS pediatrician, which makes no sense to me at all. I'm going to do some snooping and calling around tomorrow to find out the REAL reason behind not getting to use JACOB'S pediatrician. Jacob's pediatrician is covered under his insurance, it's his pediatrician that said his teeth needed to be looked at in the first place, and then the dentist office is telling me that Baptist Desoto (the hospital where his procedure will be done) only accepts physicals from a couple of doctors in Desoto County. That just seems weird to me. And I don't like the idea of taking him to a doctor that isn't familiar with Jacob, doesn't know his history, doesn't have his records, etc. That's just really messed up, and I want more info when it comes to my child. Is there anything wrong with that?

The last several days, me and the kids have been watching a movie each afternoon. We all 3 sprawl out on the couch, Jacob usually goes to sleep on my shoulder, and we just have fun together. It's so much better then just popping in a movie for them while I do my own thing. It's like we're actually doing something together. Today's movie? "Ewoks - The Battle For Endor". I had not seen that movie in like 20 years, and it was one of my favorites when I was a wee little girl. What's funny is that I still have that movie memorized. It's interesting how much a person can remember from 20 years ago, yet can't remember things that happened last week.

Well, I'm outta here for now! Maybe I'll update again in a few days, maybe!


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