Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


So a real estate agent is coming to our house Monday evening to look at our house, so much is to be cleaned and organized before he gets here...oh yeah, and the rest of the Christmas lights PROBABLY ought to be taken down...what do you think? This agent is supposedly pretty aggressive. I was told that on AVERAGE, realtors sell 8 houses per year. Guess how many houses this realtor sold last year? A whopping 96 houses!!! I think the last time we put our house on the market, the realtor we used was the first name we came to in the Yellow Pages, and I don't think she's ever sold a house in her lifetime or something. She did NOTHING.

Anyway, I had this dream last night, and some of the details in the dream really baffle me. I mean, the fact that I could dream such details is awe-inspiring or something. I dreamt that I was still in school...I was in the old Jr. High building, sitting in class, and it was Valentine's Day, and some girl was coming to each classroom delivering those cute little...oh what did they call them, Love-grams? Like, telegrams, but they called them "love grams" or "vale-grams" or something cheesy like that. Anyway, I got one, and it was written on regular notebook paper, and there was something written on the outside in red market. Once I unfolded it, there were actually two pieces of paper. One was from an actual ex-boyfriend, and the other was from one of my actual female friends from back in the day. The note from the ex-boyfriend was in his actual handwriting. I mean, how in the world, after however many years ago that actually was that he was my boyfriend, could I remember his freaking handwriting??? Anyway, the note from the boyfriend was just one of those "Hey, what's up? Not much here. Just bored in class. Well, gotta go, the bell's about to ring" type notes. But the note from the girl friend was saying "Somebody really really likes you! I've been talking to him and he really wants to go out with you again!" and it had all the little smileys all over it, and the LYLAS (Love You Like A Sister...remember THAT??) thing on it. Once I read her note, my heart stopped, my eyes widened, I was completely amazed that this guy would want to go out with me, and then suddenly the dream switched to my parents house. This same guy was picking me up to take me for a ride in his car, which was a dark green Firebird. That's so weird because he never owned (to my knowledge) a green Firebird. (My HUSBAND, however, DID own a Firebird when we first dated.) So anyway, this guy walked up into the carport of my parents' house, and I just stood there for what seemed like forever, staring at him, and then my Mom said "Don't stay gone too long!" and then I got in his car, and we pulled out of the driveway, and then I woke up. Too weird!

Anyway, I guess I need to get onto my chores for the day...ugh! TTFN!


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