Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Jacob went for his physical yesterday and he's all set for his surgery tomorrow...or if you want to call it surgery. He does have to be put to sleep though, so please remember little Jacob in your prayers, and also me that I won't have a breakdown and lose it! I must be strong for my little wee man! Michael is taking off work, and my Dad will be there with us as well. We have to be at the hospital at 6 a.m., which means we're going to have to get our showers/baths out of the way tonight so we can get up at 5, leave the house at 5:30, and be there by 6. Travis is going to spend the night at Mamaw's tonight so that he doesn't have to get up quite so early.

Also, I have a couple of rather important decisions to make coming up soon, and I ask for prayer on this also. I want to make the right decisions and do whatever it is God really wants me to do. I can't really go into detail about it now, but more on that later.

Anyway, I have some things I need to go ahead and get done this morning (aka phone calls, laundry, clean the bathroom) so I can spend the rest of the day playing with my babies, plus my Mom is supposed to come by this afternoon after school to see Jacob. Jacob has no idea what's coming tomorrow, but I want to make the day fun, nevertheless.

Adios amigos!


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