Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Several random things...

It's the last month of 2004. And 24 days 'til Christmas. Well, in my book, 23 days 'til Christmas, because if you haven't gotten everything bought, wrapped, decorated, baked, whatever, by the time the 24th gets here, you probably won't get it all done. Fortunately, everything here's decorated, everything bought except for like 2 things, and I started wrapping the other day. Now I just have to finish wrapping, get the Christmas cards done and in the mail, and bake some cookies and some fudge.

Why does parenting have to be so hard? Like, and why does it have to be so hard for me and Michael to agree on how to discipline the kids according to whatever it is that they did? I feel like most the time, I'm the one that does the spanking in this house, so are the kids going to be afraid of me, title me the "Mean Mama", and think of Michael as the "Cool Daddy"? Just now, Travis was laying on the couch, and Jacob walked up to Travis, holding onto the couch, and chunked a toy car at Travis' face, whacking him in the eyebrow. Travis was screaming bloody murder, so Michael scooped up Jacob and put him in the bed as "punishment". My argument was that Jacob didn't even know what he did and he didn't mean what he did, but then I got to thinking more about it...Jacob's never going to know what he does is wrong if we don't teach him otherwise.

Dude, last night I was having a dream, and while I don't remember what the dream was about, I remember that in the dream I had a major toothache, and it was in a tooth I had a cavity filled in 2 years ago. When I woke up from the dream, my tooth was still hurting, so I started thinking to myself "Oh great, now I'm going to have to go to the dentist...", and then I went back to sleep finally. When I got up this morning, my tooth didn't hurt at all. That was weird. It's sort of like having a dream that you've been shot, and you wake up and feel pain in that part of the body you were shot for just a few minutes. Very weird.

My Dad's retirement ceremony got moved from this coming Sunday to this coming Saturday, which means I don't get to go to the ladies' shopping day with our church. I had been looking forward to that for like MONTHS, and this week I find out about my Dad's thing getting changed. But I really can't miss his retirement ceremony, so I got to talking to my friend Amanda, and she's not going to get to go to the shopping thing either, so she and I are making plans for Saturday night to go shopping or do a movie or something, just the two of us. We need our "girl time", dang it! It'll be fun!

My December calendar is totally filling up, man! Jacob's neurology appointment is tomorrow afternoon, he goes to the dentist on the 14th, we have a Christmas party to go to on the 17th, the bowl game will take up 3 days...2 days for travel, 1 day for the game. Plus I have baking and wrapping to do, and a couple presents left to buy. And church hasn't even announced when our church Christmas party will be. And I'm having a Home Interiors party on the 10th! I just want to say sloooowwww doooowwwwn! Whoever coined the phrase "slow as Christmas" didn't have a clue what they were talking about.

Anywho, there were some other things I wanted to write, but can't remember. I guess I'm outta here for now!


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