Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Everyone's been asking how the job interview went, and I keep forgetting to post it on here. Well, there was no job interview. I did the math, and even if they paid me $15 an hour, which is guessing extremely high, I would be doing GOOD to break $100 a week after taxes withheld, paying a sitter, pumping extra gas to get downtown every day, and lunches. But more importantly (yes, there is something more important than money), I did not have peace in my heart about taking a job, even with it being a part-time job. I prayed far too long to be able to stay home with my babies to just up and take a job again. I called to cancel the appointment Monday, and he kept asking me how much I would like to make, and that if they could pay me whatever that was, they would, and if they couldn't, they couldn't. Well he seemed to have a hard time comprehending that it wouldn't matter how much they paid me...I just don't feel right about leaving my babies!!

I must go tidy up around the house because I have to be at a friend's house at 10:30 this morning to help her clean her house and help her make fudge. I'm being the "Good Samaritan" this week.


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