Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


On December 22, 2004, the University of Memphis Tigers will meet their opponent, the Bowling Green Falcons, in Mobile, Alabama for the GMAC Bowl.

At first we weren't going to go, but, I was racking my brain, trying to figure out what I could get Michael for Christmas this year that was something he'd love, other than boxers and socks (oh yeah, all men love to receive THOSE under the tree), and so after some research, and after seeing Michael moping around the house because he wasn't getting to go to the bowl game, we learned that we can get bowl game tickets for $15 each. They're endzone seats, albeit, but we'll get to go. AND...AND...we happened upon a hotel running a bowl game special for $39.15/night AFTER taxes. You can't beat that with a stick!

We will leave Tuesday, the 21st, as soon as Michael gets off work, drive until we get to Mobile, I figure we'll get there around 1 a.m., sleep in Mobile, and then, an extra special added bonus for me, we're going to drive over to Destin the next morning, which is about a 2 hour drive from Mobile (we went to Destin for our honeymoon), spend some time there shopping, eat lunch, and then head back to our hotel in Mobile a couple hours before the game, get ready for the game, go to the game, stay the night again Wednesday night, then drive back Thursday morning. Imagine that...3 days before Christmas, and we're going to Florida...and maybe get to walk on a beach for a few minutes. It may not seem like that big a deal, but it seems kinda sweet to me or something. It'll definitely bring back some memories, THAT'S for certain.

That's the latest sports for the weather report.

I didn't think it'd ever stop raining, but it finally did. The wind hasn't stopped blowing I don't think since Friday. As soon as I got my outside Christmas decorations up, WHOOOOSH, and it hasn't stopped. A couple of my candy canes in the yard are leaning pretty crooked and if the wind and rain will ever cease, I will go out there and fix them. I went outside to check the mail right before Michael got in from work, and as I rounded the corner to the driveway, I nearly got knocked on my rear by the cold wind. I welcome winter weather, as long as I can stay inside with blankets and something hot to drink.

I'm off to bed for now! G'night to all! Christmas is 25 days away!!


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