Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I've been blogger lazy as of late, and not really sure why. I guess I've had plenty of blog-worthy material, but every time I sit down to try to write something here, I get diverted.

The kitty came home today. Michael picked him up, and they told him Kira doesn't like dogs, lol. What cat does? The first thing he did when Michael put him in the car was pee on my floor mat. I figure he didn't eat anything the whole time he was there either because as soon as he got home, he ran straight for the dish and ate like a little piggy. He has mostly slept off and on wherever he wanted today. I have been spoiling him and babying him all day. I think Michael thinks I baby the cat more than I baby him or the kids, lol.

Christmas presents have slowly started making their way to my doorstep. I got two big boxes from Amazon today...some of the kids' toys. Shopping online is great. I detest going Christmas shopping in the stores unless I can go by myself. And I can't exactly ask someone "Hey, can you keep my kids while I go shopping?" I did run into two online shopping hassles yesterday though. For one, I was looking for a particular something for Michael, and I found it on one website for like $20 less than I'd seen it everywhere else, but when I went to checkout, they said I had to have a minimum order amount, and the minimum requirement was $1 more than what the thing I bought cost, so I had to buy a 2nd item on that site in order to meet the minimum order requirement. Of course, my total still ended up being a less than it would have if I'd bought the thing on another site. So that worked out okay...just aggravating. The other problem I ran into was Old Navy's website. I have recently changed my e-mail address, and I was sure to change my account information at, but there was a glitch somewhere because after I chose everything I wanted to get from Old Navy, and hit Checkout, it asked for my e-mail address and password, and it had no record of me AND it emptied my shopping cart. So I basically had to re-register with my new e-mail address and fill up my shopping cart AGAIN. The only people we have left to buy for are our parents, and my nephew Nicholas. My sister told me Nicholas is into Winnie the Pooh, and the problem is, everywhere I've looked online for Pooh toys, everything is like $20 or more. We are on a gift giving budget, so I'm hoping I can go to Walmart and actually find something. It's really hard to shop for 2-year-olds...all the toys are either too babyish and they'll outgrow them soon, or they are too complex and advanced, and may contain choking parts.

I had more I wanted to write, but it's stuff I can't talk about on here because it will make people hate me.

More later!


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