Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


It only comes around every 4 years. And it's here today. Who am I voting for you might ask? Well if you haven't already figured it out, I am voting for Bush. Now before I get a bunch of nasty comments (since 99% of the time people only comment when they want to disagree with me), I want to say that while I do not like everything about Bush, I don't like much of ANYTHING about John Kerry. Just my honest opinion, he looks like a sly, sneaky fox. Okay, so that's not THE reason I'm voting for Bush. I don't believe we're supposed to vote AGAINST someone, but instead we should vote FOR someone.

In the debates, Kerry kept saying he has a "plan" for this and a "plan" for that. Well, what is his "plan"?

I honestly believe President Bush has done his job to the best of his ability. I mean, afterall, it is a tough job, but then again, I've never been President. I just imagine it'd be a really tough job. Does anyone actually think when 9/11 happened, the President wasn't effected by this, and he just cold heartedly declared, "Okay, let's send a bunch of our soldiers to die over in no man's land."? Does anyone actually believe the President WANTED to send troops to Iraq to be blown up and shot at? No! I'm positive he hates that part of his job every single day. But that's just it. It's part of his job. To defend our country. And I'm glad there's someone willing to take on that job to protect our country and show the world who's boss.

Does Kerry or does he not support the war efforts??

I believe President Bush brought honor and integrity back to the Oval Office, and not just because he says so or everyone else says so. He has stood firm on his beliefs and what he stands for. To know that President Bush takes his faith in God seriously and that he himself is a prayerful person, that means a lot to me.

No one really knows WHAT Kerry stands for, other than he stated he does not wear his faith on his sleeve. And he believes "we are all God's children." My Bible says God created all of us, but my Bible also says God wants all of us to come to Him, and unless you've done just that, I don't think you're a "child of God." You have to BECOME a child of God. Okay, so some of you may never talk to me again, but I don't care. That's what I believe.

Instead of listening to the NEWS, try listening to American citizens, especially those that have been around awhile and seen a lot of Presidents come and go. Listen to Vietnam War vetarans. Well, except for my Grandfather. He blames all of our countries problems on Bush, and says the White House needs a "change". Yeah, well, if Kerry gets in office, heaven forbid, there's going to be "changes" alright, and I don't think Kerry's going to be a very popular man then. And for those that blame Bush on all the country's problems, just remember, for every time you point a finger, there are 3 more fingers pointing back at you.

This may come as a surprise, but my reasons for voting for Bush do not fall under the "He wants to ban abortion," or "He wants to ban gay marriage." I do not support pro-choice, and I do not support gay marriage by any means, but the hard cold truth is that even if those things are banned by law, as long as this world is standing, abortions are still going to take place, and gay couples are still going to cohabitate and do whatever else they do as a couple. It makes me sick, but it's the way of the world. No one ever said this world was a pretty place.

If you vote today, please make a well-informed decision, and not just based on what everyone else says. If you don't know where your polling place is, go to


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