Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I'd like to take this time to welcome back two folks to my blogging family, which you will see listed to the right over there. Both my hubby and my good friend Bethany have decided to venture out into bloggerspace once again! Keep it up, y'all! If you have no other readers, you'll at least have this one. :-)

Last night was fun. I bought two Christmas for my Mom and one for my Mother-in-law, and also some scented candles for me. And I'm having a Home Interiors party of my own on December 10, hopefully to earn some stuff I saw in the book that I really want. SO if you are here local, please mark Friday, December 10, 7 p.m. on your calendars to be here at my house!

Now onto something else...

I don't know why I do this...maybe it's human nature...but no matter how hard I try, sometimes I catch myself wishing I had things other people have, and in turn, I'm blinded to the wonderful things that I have in my life and can only see the negative things, which drags me through a state of depression. It's horrible, I know. I've been blessed with so many things: a husband that loves me and has a good job and is at home with me every night, two beautiful healthy baby boys, a nice home (although not the biggest or the cleanest) to come to, plenty of food to eat (although not always exactly what I want to eat at that moment), a great church to go to, some really wonderful close friends I can talk to about anything, and the list goes on and on...too many things to list in a lifetime. But instead, I drag myself into some sort of pit, and really make myself believe my life is terrible and that maybe I could have done better if I only I'd done this or that different. But once I slap myself in the face and come to my senses, and stop listening to everybody else, I realize how foolish I was to wish I could have someone else's life. Chances are, the part of one's life you see that you think you want, is only a cover-up of what they are really going through. Most people, if you aren't that close to them, you don't know their inner turmoils, their failures, what kinds of family problems they have, money problems, etc. Everyone is capable of faking a smile and a happy home life in front of others, and as soon as company walks out the door, it can be hell on earth again. Or you see people at church and they appear to be the most holy of holies and are as sinless as Jesus himself, but as soon as the last "amen" is said, they are out the door, living like hell again. Or you can ask someone "How're you doing?" and they say "Fine" or maybe even "Great", but in reality, they are dealing with more burdens than one person should ever have to handle in a lifetime. Generally speaking, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, we are ALL guilty of being "fake" at one point or another. Be careful what you wish for, and be ever so thankful of all the things you have been blessed with.

Okay, there's my deep thoughts for the day. Onto cleaning the house, bleh!


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