Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I seriously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. First of all, I got woke up at 6:45 and I had to beg Travis to go back to sleep because it was too early to get up. But then I had to get up and go to the bathroom reallllly bad, so of course Travis got up too. Then I had to do the usual routine for him...turn on Sesame Street, take him potty, give him a Poptart and something to drink, THEN go back to bed. (I was really disoriented from the dream I had just woke up from. , but I'll get back to the dream in a minute.) I would doze back off and kept having strange dreams, none of which I can really remember. Finally Michael got up, cut off the clock and got in the shower, but I stayed in the bed. When I finally did get up, I had a headache (what's new?) and felt really hungry. (I'm not normally much of a breakfast person.) So I went ahead and took a shower before I came in here to make my coffee, and I was making mental notes to remember to do this and that. So I walked into the kitchen after the shower to put the coffee on, and I walked over to the garbage can to dump out the coffee grounds from yesterday, only to find that the garbage that was supposed to have been taken out ::cough cough:: last night or this morning was still piled high, including 2 empty pizza boxes. And...AND...the cat had peed on the floor by the back door, which has become his usual "spot". By this point, I was shaking from low blood sugar, so I just got out another garbage sack to dump the old coffee grounds into and I went ahead and finished making the coffee and decided after I had my coffee, I'd feel better. Coffee has healing powers, I swear! I'm feeling much better now, thank you.

Now onto this dream that I had last night. I really do think I could make a movie based off of some of the dreams that I have. The dream I had last night was about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, except it took place in modern times. In the dream, I was working downtown in the same building and same job I used to have. I was at the receptionist desk, and it was nearing 5 o'clock, but things got really busy all of the sudden and none of us were sure if we'd get to leave on time. Then someone, like a courier or something, came in to deliver something and told us getting out of downtown was going to be really hard that afternoon, something about a doctor's massive funeral procession. (Get it? Doctor? Great Physician?) So we were all like "Just great..." We finally were able to leave work, and for whatever reason, we didn't get in our cars to drive home. I'm assuming because traffic would have been total gridlock trying to get out of downtown, so we just started walking, to observe the "procession." Afterall, there was nothing better to do while waiting out the traffic jam. We were standing along the curb, and there were cop cars with their sirens on heading up the procession. Our surroundings were becoming very loud and chaotic. Down the street just a little ways, people were shouting and throwing objects at....Jesus Christ. He was carrying his cross right through the middle of downtown Memphis. While some were cursing him, there were others that knelt right there along the curb, praying, and some chanting over and over that they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that his blood covers their sins, past, present and future. I had almost an "out of body" experience in the dream, because I saw myself kneeling along the curb, doing the same thing. Then I woke up. It was the most real and awe-stricken dream I've ever had. Just amazing. Which makes me wonder how people would react in this day and time if that took place during our lifetime?


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