Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I don't know what my problem is lately, but I've been told that I never want to be "picked on" and "messed with", which to me, is the definition of "harassment". I HATE it with a passion when I'm sitting on the computer, reading something, concentrating, and I get tickled, poked or prodded. Other times I like this so called "playfullness", but not when I am working on something or trying to figure out something.

Being a wife and mom, I have so many things I just naturally stress over that other people with other titles simply do not have on their plate. Generally speaking, and this may come as a surprise, but I tend to let a lot of things go, laugh things off even, and not worry over them. Some things can't be changed, right? But other things are constantly weighing on my mind, things I sometimes feel like I could change. Maybe I shouldn't let those things leave me in a sour mood, or at least in a sour mood towards other people, but it's hard when I'm constantly having to tend to everyone else's needs and desires and put mine on hold. I am a person, too. That's a newsflash, too, I bet? No, actually, it's very old news...

...Some people just read the wrong section of the paper...

I also get tired of not being able to talk about anything because the TV is on from 5:30 p.m. until nearly Midnight. And no matter how many times I argue that we need to have family time, with NO TV, at least for an HOUR, all I get are rolled eyes, and it may last for one or two nights with the TV turned off for an hour, if I'm lucky, and then it's back to the same 'ol same 'ol. But I learn to deal, or adjust maybe, and let everyone have their "TV time", and after supper's done and the kids are ready for bed, I mind my own business and spend time on the computer, and this isn't every night either. Some nights I join in on the TV watching if there is something on I want to see. (I'm not the type person who turns the TV on and leaves it on just to see "what's on".) Come to find out, it makes me an unpleasant person if I would rather spend time to myself and be left ALONE for a little while. (Who knew that time to myself meant I be left alone, unless of course someone is bleeding profusely, burned alive, or knocked unconscious?) In a nutshell, this is the way it works: If you're mama, and somebody in the house needs something, mama has to get up off her lazy butt and do it. But if you're dada, and one of the kids needs something, dada can continue to sit on his butt and say "Go ask mama" and not be considered lazy in doing so. It used to not be that way when I had a job that I got in my car and drove to Monday - Friday. Just because I don't get out of bed at 6:30 anymore, get a shower, put on makeup, style my hair, put on professional clothes and drive to an office everyday, sure as heck doesn't mean I don't "work" anymore. Being a mother is more than a full-time job, it's like having 3 8-hour shifts, 7 days a week...

...This should be Front Page news!

PLEASE don't get me wrong...I love being wife AND mommy, but I'd love it more if I could respectfully have some time to myself without causing a total core meltdown within my household! AND if I didn't have to listen to the TV from sundown 'til bedtime, and instead have the REAL family time I've been begging for.

So if anyone wants to know why I'm in a pissed off mood lately, that about sums it up.


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