Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


The punkin is done! It was incredibly easy, and fun. There's something quite satisfying about stabbing a butcher knife into a pumpkin head. Travis had fun using a long-handled spoon digging out the guts. My jack-o-lantern is now sitting on the kitchen table, all aglow. I will try and take pictures of it tonight after it gets dark. Afterwards I took it upon myself to roast the pumpkin seeds. Here's how:

You need seeds (duh), 1 tbsp salt, and 1/4 cup cooking oil.

1. Wash seeds thoroughly of any remaining pumpkin pulp, pat seeds dry with a paper towel.

2. In a bowl, mix together seeds, oil & salt.

3. Spread seeds onto a cookie sheet.

4. Bake @ 300 degrees for 30 minutes, and TADA!

They are quite tasty. Different. But satisfying.

P.S. The comment links are back up, as if anyone actually bothers to comment anymore. Comments on the new "look" would be nice, though. ;-)

P.P.S. I just have to figure out how to get multiple posts within one date to appear more separated. Right now they kind of run together.


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