Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


My wittle bug just ain't acting right. I kind of thought maybe something was wrong last night when he woke up crying, but he ended up sleeping the rest of the night. Well today, he hasn't wanted to eat much of anything, and he had a majorly bad diaper, and has just kind of laid/sat around. Usually he's very active and into everything he's not supposed to be. Not today. He feels warm, too. And he's kind of been grunting for the last 2 hours. Then he looks like he keeps trying to doze off, even when sitting up. His eyes just don't look right. At first thought, maybe he's cutting a toofie. But on second thought, maybe he's caught something yucky. I hate it when my J-bug is sick!

Tonight Michael's going to the Southaven football game. After my high BP spell today, and now that Jacob's not feeling good, me and J are gonna stay in while Michael & Travis go to the game. I might pop in a movie or something like that.

Michael's almost home, so I need to get Travis' clothes changed so he'll be ready to go. Later!


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