Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Man, I slept like a rock last night. I guess I was more tired than I thought I was. Maybe it had something to do with the rain, too. It has been raining, like a slow, calm rain, since last night. I had some really strange dream about some girls I went to high school with and meeting at a Mexican restaurant for one of their birthdays, and then found out that some of these girls that had once been inseperable best friends hadn't spoken in years. While at the restaurant, we ate some very weird, but yummy, chocolate candy. Then I dreamed something about Walmart, but not really sure what it was. I was in Walmart, looking for something, but I don't know what I was looking for. Very weird.

Travis is so picky! The boy will not eat much of anything! This morning he wanted some cereal, so I put some Raisin Bran in a bowl for him and he picked all of the raisins out and left the cereal behind. He wouldn't even eat the cereal! He proceeded to dump the remaining cereal in the garbage can and put his bowl in the sink. I think if it weren't for Pop Tarts, the boy would starve to death. Everyone tells me, though, that I can't FORCE him to eat, and he will eat when he gets hungry, and he's obviously not starving because he's growing and has an endless supply of energy. So I guess I shouldn't worry, but then everyone else (family) drives me batty about it.

I have a hundred thousand things to do today, but some of it's going to have to wait. I did muster up the energy to get the laundry going, but the house cleaning is going to have to wait 'til Monday. The rain is still coming down and it is making me very drowsy. Today is a perfect day to stay in my pajamas and do NOTHING. Thank goodness there is no football game today. Those back-to-back road trips had me dragging my butt. I do need to make a couple phone calls and put the music schedule together. Those are things I HAVE to do today. Procrastinate. Procrastinate. Procrastinate. I feel like that's all I ever do these days.


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