Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I'm back!! We had a good time, and I hated to come back. We actually came back earlier than I wanted to, but everyone else wanted to come back early, so I was out-voted, I guess. I could tell when we got home the cat had really missed us. And surprisingly, nothing was broken or torn up. We are all really worn out, especially the kids, which is why it's a very good thing that tomorrow is Saturday. Of course, unlucky for Michael, he has to work tomorrow. Camp Meeting is always great. I wish it were more than twice a year, because it REALLY rejuvenates your Christian walk and you always hear a message you really needed to hear. I know I did this time especially. Also, there are lots of music groups present...some people just sing, some sing and play piano, some have entire bluegrass bands, there was even a man today that played the autoharp and sang with his wife. An autoharp?? Different, but still very cool. Both kids even sat through church without hardly making a peep. We picked up 2 CDs and a tape of some Christian singers that were at the Camp Meeting, and I found a couple new songs I want to learn. One of those songs is titled "He Saw Me", written by Daniel Waters. He sang a VERY awesome song in church this morning, titled "Bartimaeus". Only after hearing him sing that one song did I have to have this CD. We listened to it in its entirety on the way home this afternoon, and his singing will take your breath away and bring tears to your eyes. We also bought one of his tapes. Then I bought a CD of Ms. Carol Williamson. I have mentioned the Williamsons before...we have a bunch of their old, old tapes, and I have sang several of those songs in church. Today I was able to buy her latest CD, and there is a song on it titled "Were It Not For Grace" that I want to learn. I am always on the lookout for new, different music. There are a lot of songs that are done over and over, which those are wonderful songs, but it is also good to find some fresh material.

Not to spoil the positive mood, but I really really really really really want to rant about something right now, and I'm sort of hesitant, considering the person I so strongly desire to rant about reads this sometimes and me ranting could wreak havoc on things if I rant about said person. GRRRRRRR! I guess all I will say for NOW is that some people need to SERIOUSLY mind their own business. Another words...if you are not asked for an opinion on something or asked for advice on something, please kindly stay out of it. Seriously...have you ever known someone that you tried to get close to by sharing some important, personal things with that person, and then within a week's time, they think they have been given a personal invitation to interfere in your business whenever they feel like it? Sometimes I just want to roll my eyes and say what's on my mind to some people, but then I find myself with that need to keep the peace, at least when I have control over it.

There is much more I'd like to write about, but for now, I'm going to head for the bed. I am zonked to the max!


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