Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I have some things to get done. Some things are done already, like we finally get all the paperwork mailed off to refinance our house, and Michael remembered to mail my signature page of my Financial Aid paperwork.

1) I need to get Michael to pick up for me an application for admissions, since my printer has no more ink. Then I need to fill it out and send it in.

2) I need to find my marriage license so I can send it in with the application to get my social security card changed so that I can actually get some financial aid.

3) Clean the house. But I don't want to!!!

4) I also have a basket of laundry to fold that I didn't finish yesterday, and start getting things organized to go out of town Thursday afternoon. I am looking forward to going to Camp Meeting, but not sure what the weather will be up there. It's always the opposite of what I pack for. Last year I had all short sleeve clothes and no jacket with me. I froze. If I take fall/winter type clothes with me, it will be 80 degrees and I will burn up.

5) I need to mail off this thing I got in the mail yesterday...some exercise videos I bought awhile back (which I barely used) sent me something in the mail stating that due to some legal settlement, I was entitled to a partial refund of $54-something, plus the cost of shipping. That is going directly into my college fund.

Amount in college fund to date: $50. Hey, it's a start and it will pay for maybe half a text book.


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