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I had mixed feelings and false information about stem cell research until this morning. The alarm radio is set on AM 640, a Christian talk radio station, and Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson was on the air when the alarm went off. They were discussing stem cell research, and Dr. Dobson was taking a few minutes to give his opinions on the whole issue. The media has been misleading Americans (big surprise there) about it, and it is even being used as political leverage in the upcoming Presidential election.

What I did NOT know is that embryonic stem cells have not been found to be useful at all, and in fact, can do more harm than good when used in an attempt to treat diseases, not to mention the fact that the embryos DIE when embryonic stem cells are used. However, it's the ADULT stem cells, found in places such as bone marrow and the pancreas, and also cord blood stem cells, that are showing promise. The removal of THESE stem cells does not cause any harm to the donor, and often times a person's OWN stem cells can be used to treat his/her disease instead of having to wait on a donor. President Bush budgeted $25 million for stem cell research this past year, and this had folks in a tizzy, but in actuality, it was for ADULT stem cell research and cord blood stem cells. NOT stem cells from embryos.

It's amazing what horrible lies the media tries to feed us...then again, it's not.


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