Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I am in a hurry, so this is going to be short. I've got to finish packing, get the kids dressed, and eat something, and hit the road. We are going to Tiptonville, Tennessee for a Camp Meeting. It takes place every year the first week of May and the 2nd week of October. We didn't get to go for May this year, but October is usually the best time to go up there anyway. Michael's parents have a house up there, which is where we stay, and it is very, very near Reelfoot Lake. The thing IS, we weren't going to leave until tomorrow afternoon. Michael was going to have to work a half a day, come home at Noon, and then we'd leave. Well, not even an hour and a half ago, Michael called and said "Get everything packed tonight. We are going up there tonight. I got out of having to go to work at all tomorrow" And I'm like WHAT? I stil have laundry to do and beds to make, etc, etc....I can't just LEAVE the house like it IS, and of course, I thought I still had TIME because as far as I knew, we weren't leaving until tomorrow afternoon. OH WELL! Anyway, I better get busy. We will be gone Thursday and Friday, and driving home really late Friday night because Michael has to work Saturday. Too bad he can't get out of THAT, TOO! And so much for reaching my 400th post by October 18th. I am going to be two days behind, and this one is #376. Anyway, have a nice weekend, even though the weekend's not here yet. I just won't be around to say it on Friday!

Oh, and the Education Advisor sooo did NOT call me back this morning like he said he would yesterday. I left both phones untied for that whole hour he claimed was his "office hour". What the freak does one have to do to get a return phone call these days? Dance on their desk naked?? I called him back and left a message a little after 11 this morning. Still nothing. If I don't hear something MONDAY, I am going to call Mr. Hertl (rhymes with turtle, lol). I had him for Psych many moons ago. He is the ORIGINAL Education Advisor, so I am thinking he might be more helpful to me anyway. He's been doing that probably before I was ever born. Well, toodaloo!


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