Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Happy 400th post!!! :::confetti:::

Last year I averaged 0.045 posts per hour, 1.0685... posts per day, 7.5 posts per week, or 32.5 posts per month. (I ended the actual year at 390 posts.) That, my friend, is a lot of writing.

Have you ever played the game Mafia? Neither had I until tonight. Holy moo cow, what a freaking game! Like, if you've never played, you'll be so confused at first, and then you start to figure it all out, and then it is just freaking cool! A bunch of us got together after church tonight and played. It works best with larger groups, like 10 or more people. I actually won the first time around, without really knowing exactly how, and then after that, things got really twisted, people chose sides, screwed each other over, and before you know it, they killed me!! What's bad is they made the mistake of "killing" me when I was the "nurse". And then in the heat of the moment, I stood up to leave the circle and said "Fine, you made a big bad mistake, because I was NOT Mafia! I was the NURSE!" Even though I wasn't supposed to tell, haha. And the thing is, every time the men kept getting killed, they just assumed the women were the Mafia, which one time it worked out that way where all the Mafia members were women, but for good measure, we all killed one of the women, just to kind of throw things off. I don't remember how many rounds we played, but it was a total blast. And what sucks is Michael knows when I'm lying, so I had to try and avoid eye contact with him, because if I tried to plea my case by saying "I'm not Mafia!" even though I was, he KNEW it and he had everyone convinced that I was lying. GRRRR! piece of advice for the day:

Next time you have more than one IM going, be sure you just typed your life story to the right person. Can I hear a great big "OOOOPS!!!" ??

And Memphis lost to Cincinatti. And I don't want to talk about it. And all it takes is one bad loss to make bandwagon jumpers start talks of jumping onto other bandwagons. Makes me ill.

Night Night for now! Hope everyone had a good weekend!


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