Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Don't be alarmed. I got sick and tired of getting everything moved, so I just said "to heck with it" and went with a new template altogether. I kind of wanted a change anyway, and boy did I get one. What can I say? I like pink. It's the only feminine thing I'm allowed to have. My house is full of boys. A husband, a 3-year-old, a baby, 2 dogs, and a cat...ALL boys. SO this is my one little corner of my world that can actually be girly.

Anyway, I don't have a commenting system up at the moment, but that's coming soon. And I plan on designing a new banner to match the new template. AT LEAST I still have my blog though. I wasn't so much worried about keeping the "look" as I was the contents. The things I have written over the last year were much, much more important to hang on to.

I am freaking stuffed to my limits. We went over to my inlaws' tonight, and had chili, hot dogs, baked potatoes, brownies, cookies, ice cream, was awesome. I had a free lunch today at Amanda's (thanks for the pizza!) and then free supper at my inlaws' place. Didn't I just rack up today, lol.

I have known this for awhile actually, but tonight I was truly amazed at Travis' musical ability and rhythm at such an early age. He has a toy drum and a toy guitar, and while he is highly interested in sports and throws a ball almost nonstop it seems, he picks up his "musical instruments" equally as much. He plays along with any song he hears that he is already familiar with, and goes right with the beat. It's really hard to's just something you have to see and hear. It's amazing. It's unbelievable. It's genetic. ;-)

AOL should be history soon, but I'll update on that whole ordeal. It's like WEIRD for me to even think about...I've had AOL since 1997 I think? If not before? I met my husband over AOL, and several people I'd call close friends. I mean, I know it's not like I will be losing touch with everyone forever. It's just that I got so used to just became a normal part of every day life. Everyone complains that AOL is horrible, which yeah, sometimes it is, but it's still something that's been part of my life for 7+ years. I'm going to start having separation anxiety or something. But right now, we're all about saving money and pinching pennies where we can. Maybe if the economy starts booming and money starts flowing like milk and honey again, we'll get it back someday. But for now AOL, buh-bye!

Well, that's it for me! Nighty Night!

P.S. Also many thanks to Brad & Chad for their computer help!


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