Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Caramel filled Hershey Kisses are da bomb!! Don't believe me? Go buy a bag! I'm not going to leave any candy for the trick-r-treaters because I'm gong to eat it all!

Travis is the little dragon that lost his smoke. He's all tuckered out. He played outside for several hours while we cleaned out the garage and killed lots and lots of spiders :::cringes::: Then he got his bath, put on his dragon costume, and while I was getting Jacob into his puppy costume, Travis zonked out in the recliner. He's going to miss out on the candy and fun! Jacob looks adorable in his's a dalmation suit, and I used my black eyeliner to paint his nose black and draw little whiskers on his cheeks. I took some pictures, but he gave me the grins BETWEEN pictures. It's so hard sometimes to catch that priceless photo.

As soon as Michael gets back from returning the truck to Michael's mom (we used it to haul off a bunch of junk from the garage), we are going to throw some steaks on the grill. Yummy. But I'm not gonna have any room left in my belly if I don't stop eating Hershey Kisses!



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