Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Another blogging pal of mine gave me the idea to google my own name and see what the search results are, and this is one of the interesting things I found.

The Cardinals are now on their way to the National League Championship Series. This is bad. Michael is happy, but if the Cards go onto the World Series, he says he will find a way to go to one of the games in St. Louis. The reason this is bad is because the money is like not there? And Christmas is around the corner, and I am trying to go back to school. And we want to go to the bowl game if the Tigers make it that far this season, which everyone knows they will. Anybody have a money tree in their back yard?

Church today was just awesome. The sermon this morning was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I very much want to give more details on what it was about, but that will have to wait until tomorrow when the house is quieter so that I can really put some thought into it. Plus I will be less tired.

I have a lot of things to do tomorrow:

1. Ms. Terri (Jacob's teacher) will be here at 10:30 in the morning.
2. Must go to the grocery store to stock up on stuff.
3. Clean house
4. Do MORE laundry EVEN THOUGHT I just finished it all SATURDAY!!!
5. Baptist Heritage Conference at Bethel Baptist Church. We will be hearing Dr. Phil Kidd preach tomorrow night. If you haven't heard him, you've never heard a hell fire and brimstone preacher. Many of his messages include current issues of today. He even did an entire sermon on the Confederate Flag!!! You would be surprised, but there is some Biblical stuff on that very issue. One thing you must be forewarned about if you aren't used to his type of preaching, if any other sermon by any other preacher has ever stepped on your toes just a little, this man will probably make your jaw drop open. He is a very controversial speaker, so much so, he has had to wear a bullet proof vest while behind the lie.

Well, I could keep typing, but I've got to get some much needed sleep. Goodnight to all and to all a goodnight!


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