Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


So my school situation is looking better than I thought. At least at the moment. As it turns out, I only need 4, and maybe 5 classes at Northwest and then I can transfer to a 4-year school. All I need is Physical Science, a higher math OR science (I can choose), English Lit II, and a Fine Arts Elective. WOW. I e-mailed a former teacher of mine that was the Education Advisor at NWCC while I was there, and he e-mailed me back with his phone number and told me to give him a call. The only thing I am in question about right now is whether or not Western Civ I will count as my other history class I need. I am following the Ole Miss core curriculum for Secondary Education, and in the Social/Behavior Science classes I need, it says I need Psychology I, which I've done, and I can choose 2 courses from History 101, 102, 105, and 106. Well, History 105 is US History I, which leads all the way up to the end of the Civil War, and I've taken that. History 101 is European History Pre-1600-something. I am wondering if Western Civ counts as European History. I mean, that's what Western Civ. is, basically, right? So if I end up having to take another history class, no biggie. It'd just be really nice to able to say I could be done at NWCC in a semester and then transfer. Several of my classes I've taken already don't count for anything apparently...Spanish II, Sociology, Oral Communications, and Intro to Computers. Used to, they made EVERYONE take a computer class as part of the core stuff, and also Education majors had to have Oral Communications and 4 semesters of foreign languages. Not anymore. MAYBE some of those other classes can count as electives somewhere along the way...especially Sociology and Spanish II.

I also found out there's a scholarship I can apply for. It's for students age 25 and older who are returning to school, and it's based on how well you previously did in college. So just MAYBE I have a shot at that.

Well, I must run take a bath while Jacob is asleep!! More later!!!


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