Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Several things...

1) I really hate it when Kerry supporters find out I'm a Bush supporter, and they talk so negatively about our President and send me all these stupid links bashing him. I've gotten to the point where I simply refuse to click on such links. It's not funny anymore. You know, I don't sit there and bash these people because they are Kerry supporters, although maybe I should start doing that. I would go into a big political discussion right now, but I'm just too tired. All I will say on the subject is BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!!

2) Whether you have kids or not, here's a question for you to respond to:

Q. What age is appropriate/inappropriate to let your child ride their bike or walk, with no supervision, around their neighborhood?

I have had the opportunity to discuss this in detail with several people lately in unrelated situations, and am just wondering what some other's opinions would be on this. Seriously, take into consideration that sex offenders live in virtually every neighborhood, whether you know it or not. I will give my answer later on.

3) Just when you think you yourself have some seriously major stuff going on in your life, you talk to someone else that makes your serious stuff seem like nothing at all. If you think about it, please pray for my Mom. Back in June she had a heart catherization and the doctors found a 99% blockage in her heart and 2 other smaller blockages, which they were able to repair. Once August rolled around and she started back to school (she's an 8th grade history teacher, if you didn't know), she has been VERY worn out. Apparently her school has a very tough principal. He requires all teachers to stand up and teach from bell to bell. They can't sit on a stool at a podium and teach. They have to be on their feet. And then between classes every teacher has to stand in the hall to monitor the kids. She told me tonight over the phone that the last 2 days she's been having chest pains, dizziness, and blurred vision. I asked her if she has called the doctor, and she said she hasn't had time. I am worried about her. The kids get out of school at 2:20, and most nights she doesn't leave school until 4:30 or 5:00, THEN she brings buckets of papers home with her to grade, and I'm not exaggerating when I say buckets. This principal even makes them come in sometimes on Saturdays...SATURDAYS. He made progress reports due the day after Labor Day, so that meant the teachers didn't even get to enjoy the extra day off. This principal micromanages everything, and has fired A LOT of teachers...GOOD teachers...for next to nothing. One teacher last year had to have a kidney transplant and she was out for 6 weeks recovering (probably should have been out longer) and when she returned to school, the students were out of control because the subsitute teacher let the students run wild basically, and she couldn't control her class, and she got fired...FIRED! If you complain to the principal about anything, you are automatically on his hit list, and he will FIND a reason to fire you. Hello?? I thought there was a teacher shortage?? My mom says she's going to put in for a transfer to the high school, but I doubt she will do it. There have been several teachers at her school that have told the principal they wanted to transfer, due to family reasons, etc., and he told them "NO" and wouldn't let them out of their contracts! So yeah, please pray for my Mom. She is also dealing with some other stress issues that I can't go into detail about, that would cause one to lose sleep, heck, just thinking about it all is causing ME to lose sleep, so please pray for her.

I am going to go read until my eyes get heavy. G'night.


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