Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Quote of the week (actually I meant to put this in here last week):

"Are there more of those gay bracket thingies?" ~Michael.

Hey, babe, whatever works to help you remember that junk!

The one thing I regret in life right now is getting Michael in the bad habit of hitting the snooze button. According to him, he NEVER did that until he married me. He'd get up the first time the clock went off. However, I have NEVER done that. I will set the clock early enough so that I can afford to hit the snooze button 2 or 3 times before I finally get up. Well...Michael...the dear...I will set the clock about one hour before he actually has to get up, and he will hit the snooze button for the next hour and a HALF. And then he gives me HIS morning things to do, like feed/water dogs, water the trees outback, etc., because he didn't get up on time. Not only that, but I don't feel like hearing the radio go off every 7 minutes for an hour and a half. I don't have to actually get up and go anywhere most days. I think from now on, I'm just going to set the clock for what time he has actually been getting up, and that way, he won't be able to hit snooze or he will be very, very late for school or work. But of course, all of this is my fault. So I guess I should stop complaining and just reverse the problem.

One more rant. I am getting really tired of dealing with "friends" that only want to be your "friend" when they want something from you, and then the rest of the time, you are vapor to them. I thought that sort of thing only happened in the 7th grade. You know, the friends that I do have now, I am friends with them unconditionally, and I'm generally a very forgiving person, even the "friends" that try to use me.

Today feels really blah...I feel sick to my stomach, I am zonked to the max, and I have a massive mountain of laundry to do. Thank goodness we don't have any more road games that we're going to!


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