Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


My night SEEMED to be going pretty good. We actually went to church tonight...kind of a last-minute decision. Usually Michael doesn't get off in time for us to eat, get ready and make the drive to church, but tonight we hurried things up and waited 'til after church to eat, and we got to church at 7:02 and they were late getting started, so technically we made it on time. The message was EXACTLY what I needed to was on James 1, talking about when trials come in your life, temptations may come your way, and it will be easier to give into those things and backslide if you are going through trials, and the end result is death if you give into whatever temptations you may have. Not necessarily physical death (although possible), but death of relationships, marriages, friendships, etc., depending on the actual sin I guess. Very basic message, but very, very helpful. Then we stopped at Chik-Fil-A on the way home. They have THE best chicken nuggets in the universe, and we let Travis play in the play thing for a few minutes, but he was too chicken to climb up very high in it, lol.

But besides that...

I am highly p'd off right now, and it's a lot of things all rolled together to make steam come out of my ears.

1) For one thing, and this is the least of my problems right now, but my post count on blogger hasn't changed in like a week or so...not sure when it started not now I'll never know when and if I reach post #400. And no, I'm not going to go through my entire blog and count them all.

2) The TV keeps getting louder and louder in my ear. I wish I could move the computer desk in such a way where my right ear wouldn't be directly in front of the TV speaker. When I am online, I like to relax, or concentrate on something I'm reading, or play a game in peace and semi-quietness. No, I do not expect to sit in total quietness, I can never expect that as long as there are kids in the house, but to have the TV turned down to a reasonable level shouldn't be too much to ask. If you are sitting right underneath the TV when you watch it, trust me when I say you don't need it turned up that loud.

3) I need to go to the dentist. I have a wisdom tooth coming in, and it is giving me heck. I know they're going to say I need to have it, along with my other one, removed, but I don't exactly have $1,000 right now to do that, nor do I feel like having any more surgery!!

4) Our cat, the one that the VET told us was a GIRL, is soooo not a girl. I've been told it can be hard to tell when they are kittens, well said kitten is not a kitten anymore, and HE...yes HE has very adult male organs, and now I am more than ready to get rid of the cat. But there's like nowhere in the world to take him. My sister-in-law was the first one to notice a couple weeks ago...we never noticed because we don't exactly look at a cat's rear all the time...and we almost didn't believe her at first. But now I believe her. I am SHOCKED that the vet told us it was a GIRL!!!!!!!

5) I get tired of some people thinking that because a woman is married, she is not allowed to have her own feelings, or more like, she is not allowed to EXPRESS her own feelings and be heard. I'm not into the women's lib movement or any junk like that. I'm just saying that I AM a person, too, and I have feelings, dreams, wishes, desires, etc., and there is nothing wrong with that. I'll be danged if I let ANYONE tell me how I am supposed to feel/not supposed to feel about anything. And...and...if she has an interest or hobby outside of her husband's hobbies and interests, she's not really allowed to take part in those things because it will interfere with her motherly duties, or so I am told.

6) This is the REAL far, almost EVERY PERSON I have told that I want to go back to school, the first thing that's popped out of their mouth is, "So what are you going to do with the kids while you're at school?" Are there not other students that are parents? And what about the other parent of my kids? Why am I suddenly the only one responsible for their whereabouts and who they stay with? Why am I suddenly feeling constrained to not getting my big diploma on the wall? I WILL find someone to keep my kids while I'm at school and pay them if I have to. I am not getting any younger, and finishing my degree is something I want to do. And then I get the little well-you-should-have-thought-about-that-before-you-decided-to-have-kids spiel. I didn't exactly PLAN on getting pregnant 4 months after marriage, okay? It just sort of happened. God's plans are not always our plans. My Plan A has turned into more like Plan Z, but that's okay, too. I love my children with all my heart, but believe me when I say there are other people in school that have kids...not just Dads...MOMS TOO. What century ARE we in, anyway?? This just makes me want to walk up to somebody and just slap them! No one specific'd just feel good to take out some aggression somehow. I need a punching bag.


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