Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


My brain is eyes are tired...I am tired. No more least for tonight. And somebody remind me not to look ahead in the text book, because then I get this sinking feeling when I realize what I have ahead of me.

I got a few things done tonight, besides algebra. After church and then going to my Mom's and then getting some food at Krystal (somebody PLEASE tell me what a girl's gotta do to get PLAIN Krystal burgers. NO, I don't want mustard, NO, I don't want onions, and NO, I don't want pickles!! And what really GETS me is the lady that handed us the stuff through the drive-thru window called the order back out to us as being plain. They never can get it right. I am a PLAIN kind of person. I do not like funky green things or crunchy yellow or white things. UGH! I'm just such a non-green-veggie person or almost any kind of veggie for that matter. I guess that's a bad thing, but oh well), I came home, ate, picked up the living room, vaccumed, and dusted a few things. YAY for me!

I found out that our little group got on TV at the game Saturday. I thought that was pretty neat, and we might get a copy of it so we can see it. For once we were sitting down low enough so we could be caught on camera. It stinks big time that we lost, especially the WAY that we lost when we had the chance to win right within our grasp, but it was still a very fun game. We got to sit with some folks we don't normally get to sit with at games.

Okay, well, I could go on and on about stupid numbers, green stuff, and losing football games, but I really have to go to bed now, although for some weird reason, my brain just won't shut down. Maybe I've drank too much Coke today. Until next time......


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