Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.



This is a huge milestone, especially considering the delay he has had in muscle tone development and the physical therapy. This is definitely and answered prayer.

He has been cruising for about a month now (holding onto objects while walking around them), and just Tuesday he stood up for the first time without holding on. He stood there for about 10 seconds and fell down. Once he figured out it was exciting to me, he kept doing it over and over to get a reaction out of me.

Then yesterday afternoon while I was waiting on Michael to get in from work, I was lying down on the couch, reading, and Jacob stood up to the coffee table, holding on, and he let go and took one step over towards me and grabbed onto the couch. Then a few minutes later he did it AGAIN. He was so proud of himself! Soon he will be RUNNING everywhere and I won't be able to catch him. :-)

I guess we're going to eat an early lunch today and head over to my Mom's house so I can clean it and earn some much needed $$CASH$$. Michael said something about going to the Southaven football game tonight, so we'll see. It's really cheap family entertainment, especially when you have a 3-year-old that's obsessed with football. I think it's like $3 a person to get in the gate, and the kids are free. We'll eat at Sonic beforehand, so we don't have to dump more money at concessions.

Then TOMORROW is the Tigers v. Arkansas State game in Jonesboro, and we're going. My mom-in-law is keeping both the kids for us and they're spending the night Saturday night. I think we're going to head out around Noon-ish to make the drive over there.

I'm outta here for bed is calling out to me, saying "Make me!" , the dishes are saying "Wash me!", and the laundry is saying "Fold me!" But I still say I have the best job in the world. :-)


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