Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I don't know why I didn't post yesterday. I really meant to, but every time I even thought about sitting down to the computer, I got sidetracked, plus I've was trying to finish a book I've been reading. Plus yesterday afternoon I took the kids on a picnic at the park here in my subdivision, which was fun, except it just so happened to be the same time the dang mowers were out there spitting grass everywhere, making us all sneeze.

I have one monster of a headache right now, and I would love to be able to sleep it off, but with two little ones in the house, that's not much of an option.

I'm such a dingleberry. YESTERDAY (I think?) was the first day of fall, NOT the day before like I previously posted. That's what I get for ASSUMING the 21st of September is always the first day of fall.

And what the HECK is up with Ivan?? Like, when I first read about that at, I thought it had to be a typo and they forgot to change the name or something, and then I learned that it is the SAME hurricane that hit the Florida/Alabama coastline and moved northward, over Pennsylvania, out into the Atlantic, and THEN made its way back down south and cross the Florida Peninsula and is now threatening the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas?!?!?!? Has this EVER happened in recorded HISTORY?!?!?! In my lifetime, I've never heard of this. When I read about it on a message board last night, I seriously thought it was a JOKE!

Michael's birthday is tomorrow, and then Saturday is the UAB game in Birmingham. I guess our couple's retreat with church got cancelled. We have heard so many things on's gone back and forth, back and forth, and now we're to the point we don't really care. Friday is Michael's birthday, and he'd rather do something on his birthday than go downtown to eat with everyone and stay in a hotel. The original plan was for all couple's that were interested at our church, to sign up on the sign-up sheet and reserve a room at this hotel we'd found downtown. We were planning to all meet at Spaghetti Warehouse downtown to have dinner, then go to the conference at the hotel and a somebody from another church would come and speak to us about marriage, and then we would all stay overnight in the hotel, and have an activity on Saturday. Well, apparently several couples backed out, well, not TOTALLY backed out, but just decided that paying the $100 for a hotel room just wasn't even worth it since we're not actually going OUT OF TOWN, plus not everyone can find an overnight babysitter. MOST of us are really short on money and don't have $100 to spend on a hotel room when we can just go home and go to bed. That's a no-brainer. As of Sunday, I think only 3 couples were going to be able to do the hotel thing, and so I asked if we were going to atleast still go do something, go eat somewhere, and I was told I'd hear something by Wednesday. Wednesday came and went and we didn't hear anything. OH WELL. That settles it for us. We're going to go do what Michael wants to do for his birthday, whatever that might be. We ALREADY weren't going to do the activity on Saturday because we are going to the football game in Birmingham. It's Michael's birthday weekend, dang it, and he can do what he wants for his birthday!

This weekend is just going to be ROUGH! Saturday we are planning (at least this hour) to leave at 12 Noon, drop off the kids, and make the drive to Birmingham, and then come back home that night. Well, Sunday morning it is my week to teach the 3 & 4-year-olds, and plus I think I'm singing in church. But then again, I haven't looked at the schedule lately, so I don't remember, and that's BAD because I MAKE THE SCHEDULE and I don't even know who's on it!!! PLUS Michael has to have his algebra test completed and ready to mail so it can be postmarked NO LATER THAN 9/27, MONDAY!! So that means we have to get it done by Sunday. We aren't going to get the test done TONIGHT because I have to finish teaching myself AND him the rest of Chapter 3, then FRIDAY is his birthday, and of course I wouldn't be so mean as to make him do algebra on his birthday, and then SATURDAY is the game, soooo....I think I will scream now.

I guess I need to go make my headache worse now by working on learning more algebra.


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