Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Happy Fall to all! It's the first day of fall, and it sure feels like it this morning. I am sitting here covered up in a blaket because I'm FREEZING and no A/C is running. Must drink more coffee to warm my belly.

So onto Plan B about our money woes. Michael's decided to go back to FedEx and work the graveyard shift. At least until Christmas so we can actually have money to give the kids a Christmas. Maybe Michael can survive on 5 hours sleep. Maybe he can stay in school, too, if he drops his 8 a.m. class and keeps his online class and Tuesday night class. He said me going back to work just isn't an option. Not only would a huge portion of my pay go to childcare, but he knows I would be unhappy, and he feels it's his place to work to pay the bills and not mine, considering we have two wee little ones at home. I'm not closed to the idea though that if I absolutely HAD to, I'd get a job. But right now, I guess he feels like that if there's something else he can do, he's willing to do it. We prayed too long and too hard for me to be home with the kids, and God answered that prayer, and for me to jump on the opportunity to make some serious dollars, just wouldn't be right without considering what God's will is for me. Plan B WILL generate a little cashflow, but less time with Michael. But maybe not really...he'll have to leave for his night job at 10 p.m. and get home by 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. I will probably just lay on the couch and watch TV 'til I fall asleep anyway. I almost hope he can work it out with his day job to go in one hour later because I just think he's going to really be grumpy on 5 hours of sleep. Of course, he hasn't actually GOTTEN the job yet, but we are pretty sure he will. He applied online last night, and then he has to go to some application thing next Monday or Tuesday. With peak season upon us, and the fact that he's worked there before, it will probably get him the job.

One last thing, here's a little humor for the day:


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