Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Good morning to you, too.

Out of all the friends and family I've consulted about the idea of me going back to school, only TWO of those people...okay, THREE, have not said anything negative about it or asked the obvious question, "What about your kids?" One of those THREE people, surprisingly, was my own Dad. At least my Dad still believes in me. The other two people are people that I have known since I was 13, which I find rather interesting. I guess people that know me from the post-college years remember that I do actually have a brain in my skull and can work hard and succeed at something other than popping out babies and "sitting" at home all day with my kids. Maybe I didn't word that quite right. I am VERY VERY greatful to be home with my babies (I am starting to sound like a broken record), but I also feel the need to one day, once again, enter the working world and contribute something somewhere in this world. My own Mother accomplished this feat. My sister and I were a little older at the time, but that's irrelevant at this point.

Okay, I will shut up and quit ranting about this whole issue. I will just have to stop asking for everyone's opinions, buckle down and prove everyone WRONG.

I have a lunch date this afternoon downtown. I am meeting my friend and former co-worker, Michelle, at her work (my old place of employment) and we're going to have lunch together. It's a BEAUTIFUL day outside, so it will be enjoyable to take the kids through the park. There is a chill in the air this is truly FALL! And tomorrow will be the 1st day of October, my favorite month of the year. I don't have a birthday in October, I don't have an anniversary in October, there aren't any significant holidays in October for me. October is just a beautiful month. The weather starts cooling off enough to where you can go outside and not burn up during the day, you don't have to run the A/C as much any more, you can leave the windows open all day long, and you need a light jacket at night. The leaves change into colors I can't even describe. The sky possesses a certain shade of blue that it doesn't have any other time of year. The sun rises and sets in a different place in the sky, causing the sunlight to filter into the house at a different angle, casting a warm glow. Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. Sweater weather is upon us. I can get out my boots...I love sandals in the summer, but I love boots in the fall and winter even more. The Fair...althought overly just part of fall. The sounds and smells and the rides is just part of tradition for me. Football...what can beat going to a football game, high school OR college, in the cool night air? Camp Meeting is the 2nd week of October (next week!), which means we go up to Reelfoot Lake for 2 or 3 days, spend all day and all night at church for a couple days, (with an afternoon break in between morning and evening service, to take a nice long nap), lots of singing, preaching, getting to see people you haven't seen in a long time, lots of good eating, and time to get away and forget that there's a busy life back home. There are just so many reasons I love fall. I could go on and on.

I had actually written a little more, but blogger ate it when I tried to publish it, so this will have to do for now. I have to go hop in the shower and start getting ready to head out in a bit. More later!


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