Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


We got some very good news about Jacob yesterday. His physical therapist came Monday morning and did a new, updated checklist on him to see where he's at now, and with all the improvements he's made, he's now on a 13-month level! So since he is "right on target" as the PT says, she can start coming just once per month instead of once per week. She was truly amazed at how quickly he progressed. He's only had two sessions of PT, and when I told my mom all of this, her response was "So how can they explain his improving with only 2 sessions of therapy?" I just had to bite my tongue (though I shouldn't have) and said "Well it took 2, almost 3, months to ever actually get the therapy started after they did his initial evaluation, with all the paper work and approvals they have to get, and he was already doing lots more things since they came out months ago to evaluate him." But what I really wanted to say to her (and I should have) was that God answered the prayers that Jacob would be healed and be given strength to sit up, crawl, stand, etc., and that is exactly what happened...I owe it all to the Lord. Michael and I honestly believe that my Mom has no concept of God sometimes and what He can, and will, do for His children. Of course, then again, my whole family thinks I'm a heathen doomed for hell because I'm Baptist. And I have the hardest time standing up to my parents about the whole issue. But enough about that. PRAISE THE LORD that Jacob is doing MUCH, MUCH BETTER!!! The PT is faxing a letter to us so we can take it to the neurologist tomorrow so that he can see Jacob's progress and tell us where to go from there.

In other news, Travis has an obsession with "choo choo trains". He will take just about anything, line it up across the room, and all proud-like he will shout, "Look! I did make choo choo train!" Many times he lines up all of his matchbox cars, or his bigger, chunky sized cars, or all of them at once. Today, not only did he line up all of his cars of all sizes, but he included his kid-sized lawn chair and his rocky sheep, with the sheep being at the front, so that he could ride it and be the "conductor". This train starts in the middle of the living room and extends into the middle of the kitchen. Last week we were playing outside, and he lined up all of his outdoor ride-on toys, with his John Deere tractor he got for his birthday at the front of the line. Then he sat down on the tractor and said "I wanna make whistle," so he picked up his orange beach bucket, which is somewhat cone-shaped, positioned it just so on the top front of the tractor, and said "There, I made a whistle!" He's such a creative little guy. :-)

So far I've gotten some things done this morning. I cleaned the little bathroom, including the tub, and mopped the floor in there, and then I mopped the kitchen floor, the entry way floor by the front door, and the foyer. I still need to vacuum and dust, but I had to sit down for a minute. My blood pressure has been doing weird things here lately. I've had an ongoing headache for like a week straight now, and I finally took my blood pressure Saturday night to see what it was running, and it was 161 over 94, which is BAD, and the rest of the night I could not sleep. I would fall asleep, but then wake up suddenly, startled. My numbers have been much better yesterday and today, but I still have a headache, so maybe the headache was non-BP related. It still bothers me though that it just shoots up for no apparent reason, and I know if I call the doctor, he's going to want me to come in, and have more tests run, none of which I have the money for. Having no insurance STINKS!

I guess I should go make my bed and get the kids out of their pajamas before LUNCH TIME, so ta-ta for now!


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