Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


Today I feel blah. It's a stomach thing. I hope I am not getting the crud AGAIN.

Anyway, yesterday was fun. I met Michael at the South Campus (U of Memphis) yesterday at 2:30 for Fan Day. We chatted with some of the folks we'll be tailgating with and sitting with at the games, we bought Travis a football jersey, and then we got to meet some of the players and get autographs. We got to meet the QB, Danny Wimprine, then we also met DeAngelo Williams, Maurice Avery, and Albert Means. We got each of them to autograph the limited edition print we got a few weeks ago for ordering season tickets. We were just about to get in line to get Coach West's autograph, and that's when the rains came. We saw the threatening black clouds off in the distance, and then the wind really picked up, sprinkles came, and we high-tailed it back to the car. They had the giant tiger blow-up head thing that the football players run through set up at the entrance, and just as we were walking through it to get out to the parking lot, a huge gust of wind just about knocked it over with me, Michael, the kids and a bunch of other people stuck in it! That could've been a very dangerous thing, but fortunately, some of the guys in there were able to keep it steady so we could get through it. While I was waiting in my vehicle to get out into the main flow of traffic, the rain was pouring down, people running everywhere, and Maynard the Lucky Goat was loaded up into the back of his owner's (Silky O'Sullivan) pickup truck, and the poor goat stood there in the rain, crying.

So Silky got back out of the truck and stood there holding an umbrella over poor Maynard, which I didn't see that part...I had already got onto the main road. Michael told me about that.

But overall, it was fun, fun, fun, and got us even more pumped up for September 4. Less than a week away before the Tigers take on the Rebels!!!

BTW, totally unrelated to the above, if you haven't rented "13 Going on 30" yet, it is a really good movie (to me). I know it's a chick-flick, but even Michael liked it, for a chick-flick ;-) It has a tear-producing surprise ending. ::sniff::


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