Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I hope, for once in my life, that third time will actually be charm, as they say. I mean, I have already had 2 babysitting possibilities fall to pieces, so I'm really hoping the lady that interviewed me today will decide to use me. I could really use the money, okay, so I like REALLY NEED THE MONEY!!! The only bad thing is, that she called me because I'm down as a backup for one of my closest friends, who decided to start babysitting like at the exact same time I did. And she wanted to interview me, too, since I'm also a babysitter, and she said she wanted to exhaust all of her options, and she came by this afternoon, and we talked for over an hour. She like both me AND her very much, so now her decision is between me and my friend. I DID, however, do what I felt was the right thing and called my friend earlier today to let her know I was being interviewed by her as well, just to kind of give her a heads up. She and I decided unanimously that if this parent decides on the other person, the one that she didn't decide upon won't be upset with the other. But for a moment of truth, I can't say I won't be at least a teensy bit disappointed, because for one, my friend already has another child to keep, and I don't have ANY. Plus, I have really been praying for some teacher's kids (which this mom is a teacher, at the school that's like in my backyard), so it'd totally be an answered prayer if she decides to use me. I DID tell this parent today that if she really can't find anything else to determine who she'd rather use out of the two of us, then just go ahead and use my friend since she found her first. There WILL be other babysitting kids, and if this is the Lord's will for me to keep kids, then other kids WILL come my way. I'm just starting to feel a little discouraged after the first two were flops (the first one thought $70 per week was too expensive :::whatever!:::, and the second one found someone else closer to her work), and then my friend already has one child to keep, and then another friend of mine has just taken on TWO MORE kids, so yeah, I feel a little discouraged, antsy, etc. ANYWAY, Michael will be home soon and we're going out to eat with his parents, so I'll update again when I know one way or the other. Of course, starting Monday, (if the parent chooses me), I will probably never have time to blog again EVER!!!


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