Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


nine Busy is my middle name right now, and that's because a prayer of mine has been answered. I had been praying that the music ministry would really get off the ground, people would be more willing to practice after church, and that more people in the church that have never sang before would come to me and want to sing. WELL, my prayer got answered BIG TIME, because it seems like over the last couple weeks, EVERYONE has wanted to stay and practice, SO MUCH SO, that I have had to tell some folks that I've already got 4 soloists or groups lined up to practice after that particular church service and I have to ask them if they can practice the following service before or after church. AND, AND, just in the last couple weeks, I've had not just ONE, but THREE people come to me wanting to sing. One of them is a new member of our church, and he wants to sing some solos, and so far, the two songs he picked out are songs I already kinda know and have been working on, and the OTHER two people are ladies in the church that have been there for quite some time, and they both want to sing duets. One of them wants to sing a duet with me, and the other wants to sing a duet with our Pastor's wife. I am thoroughly excited and jumping for joy. But now I have a monster of a list of songs that I need to nail within the next couple weeks. But hey, I'm not complaining, it just means I'll be busy.

The Revival this week has been going GREAT!! Sunday my dear friend Dorothy and her sister were down for the holiday, so they came to our church Sunday morning and sang a duet, and Sunday night they sang a trio with the Pastor's wife, and it was really good, and I also sang Sunday night a song called "America, Come Home". ALL of the music has been really really good the last several nights. And the preaching has been even BETTER. LAST night the West family (my friend Angie and her husband, Richard, the one that is my piano role model...he plays by ear, too) came and sang two songs. Man, they can sing, and Richard can tear up a piano. Last night the Revivalist showed a video on hell. Some of the folks that had a part in making "Titanic" made this 10-minute film, and the film cost $57,000 to make. The video shows a man being thrown into hell. He kept falling and falling into an endless pit of firey brimstone, and you could see him screaming. It was VERY realistic and VERY scary, and we had 3 saved last night. What really got me is that Bro. Nichols (the Revivalist) told us that the man that played the role in the film is not saved, and even after watching himself being thrown into hell, he still rejected Christ. I just can't understand how someone could reject Christ after seeing themselves thrown into hell.

In other news, Travis' birthday is Saturday, and we're having his party at CiCi's Pizza. I still have to order his cake and go to Party City to get all the party favor stuff and decorations. I just hope the $50 I got at my mom's Friday for helping her around the house will stretch out enough to buy everything. Money is tight, but at least I was able to pay for the house note one more month and have groceries in the house for another week. The Lord has always taken care of us, so why would He stop now?

I need to unload the dishwasher, make the bed, get myself and the kids dressed, sweep the kitchen, and do a load or two of laundry, and practice my music for awhile, so I better run. More later.


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