Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


It's really easy to sit down to the computer, just long enough to drink your morning coffee, check e-mails, forward a couple funnies, chat with one or two buddies for a minute, check your bank account online, check on your Ebay listings, then do a full-blown search on some useless junk you don't really need anyway, catch up on reading some blogs, then blog yourself, but by then it's lunchtime and you don't get anything done around the house and by then the kids think you have forgotten they exist, which would be the main reason I haven't blogged much lately. I have to keep myself far, far away from the computer, or I'm liable to sit here half the day, in my pajamas, the kids still in their pajamas, no laundry done, no beds made, no dishes done, no nothing done, but hours wasted, as the sands of the hourglass. Or something like that.

Today is the 1st day of July, which means half of 2004 is already over and done with. The year is vaporizing before our eyes. And my kids are growing up before my eyes. Travis will turn 3 in just 9 days, and with the blink of an eye, he's going to be 18, driving, going to college, having girlfriends, etc., and Jacob will be right behind him, soon to follow.

Our revival starts Sunday, and I've been majorly working on all the music for the revival, which runs through Wednesday. I'm really excited about it, especially since we were on vacation during the revival we had last month.

We went to church last night, and I'm always almost "disappointed" when the other piano player is there. I LOVE to play for church, and she has told me countless times she doesn't like to do it, so it's sort of heartbreaking for me, if that makes sense? I mean, there I am, I WANT to do it, and there she is, she DOESN'T want to do it, but yet she's up there, and I'm not. I dunno. She is the one that sort of kind of "stepped down" and I'm really confused. She is still going to play, but yet she doesn't want the responsibility, and I'm just thinking, either she wants to do it or she doesn't, because if she's going to be all iffy about it, that's just going to make the scheduling that much more crazy. But I just keep telling myself that God will work it all out, which He will and always does. I asked Michael last night if I "obsess" too much over the church music, if I try too hard, and if I make too much of a big deal about practicing and the schedule and everything, and he said "No, not at all. This is your department. You're doing your job." I just don't want to ANNOY anybody or hurt anyone's feelings or offend anyone. I'm just trying to make sure everything's covered, and I've figured out after almost a year of doing this that if I don't do it, nobody will. I guess it's just my calling, well, I KNOW it's my calling.

I must go now before I spend another 3 hours on this thing. Plus I need to get out of my pajamas.


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