Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


It's late, and I don't even know what it was I wanted to blog about earlier.

One thing you should know about me is that I really don't get my feelings hurt that easily, at least not until the same person keeps telling me the same hurtful things over and over, and then it's no longer a joke, and I figure out the person dishing out these hurtful things just isn't kidding anymore.  As I've gotten older, I've learned to let things roll off my back, but things do eventually have a way of building up over time, and when it's the last straw, I break and I get really mad and I want to take action and do something about it. 

Anyway, the wedding we went to over the weekend was really nice.  Pretty.  Outdoors.  Tiki Torches.  Me and Michael "offended" the bride the night before when we (me, Michael, the groom, the bride, and the rest of the wedding party) went to catch a late movie.  I don't care to go into what the fuss was about, but it was really stupid, and she shouldn't have been listening in on a conversation between me and my husband.  Oh well.  Maybe the maturity level is really that much different between a 24-year-old and an 18-year-old.  Yet one more reason why 18-year-olds shouldn't get married.  My opinion.  Save the hate mail PLEASE

Other than that, it was good to get out of town.  I was SO GLAD to see Michael when we FINALLY got there.  I swear I never thought we'd get there.  I rode with Michael's parents, and his Dad is not the most skilled driver in America...okay, so maybe you should stay off the sidewalks.  I think we missed every turn we were supposed to make.  And it doesn't help that he's one of those drivers that likes to actually make eye contact with you while you're carrying on a conversation with him INSTEAD OF WATCHING THE ROAD.  The missed turns caused us to get to the groom's house 5 minutes...5 MINUTES after Michael and everyone else had already left for the rehearsal.  My heart SANK because I was really looking forward to seeing Michael, and now I had to wait like another TWO HOURS before I could see him.  We had NO CLUE where the rehearsal was taking place, so we went to find our motel.  We found out which highway said motel was on (Best Western).  Traffic was bumper to bumper (some big horse show was in town), and I saw a Best Western on the right, and we were driving passed it, and I said "Was that not it?" and they were like "No, that's not it" and then we kept going and going and going down this highway and finally I asked "What exactly are we looking for?"  I thought maybe we were looking for another street to turn down or something, and then they said "Best Western" and I said "So that one back there we passed awhile back really wasn't it?"  and they were like "What one?"  and I said "The one we passed way back there."  Come to find out, when I said "Was that not it?" Michael's mom was looking on the OTHER side of the road at a roach motel looking thing, and she thought I was referring to THAT and they totally missed the Best Western, so we had to make a U-turn and go all the way back to where the Best Western actually was.  When we finally met up with everyone at the rehearsal dinner back at the church, I was SO HAPPY to finally see Michael.  It's truly amazing how much one day and one night apart will do to make you suddenly all mushy for each other again :-) 


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