Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


You know, I just feel like griping right now, so if you don't want to hear my griping, then feel free to click that little X in the upper righthand corner of your screen there.

Well in case you are still reading...

You know what I hate? I hate liars. I hate people that tell me, and only me, ONE thing, and then tell the whole world another thing. What's the point? People that do this, do they think the one person being lied to won't find out? If you are going to tell a lie, tell it to EVERYONE, so that it will be believable. It's really bad, too, when you think you are being told the truth, and everyone ELSE is being lied to (wishful thinking), and so when you yourself try to tell the "truth", everyone else looks at you like you're a nutcase. Unfortunately, I have been the victim of this way too many times. Maybe I'm just too naive.

And you know what else I hate? People that make you feel all important and stuff, that is, until they get around their "real" friends, and then suddenly you're a "nobody", tossed to the side.

Fake people...I despise them.

Now onto more deep thoughts...

In this modern day of technology we live in, we have cell phones, internet, handhelds, etc., and yet there is this thing where you have to have someone charge $29.95 to your credit card to locate a person you are trying to locate. I guess there has to come a point though when you have to accept that maybe there are some people that just don't want to be found. Why that is, I don't know. If a long lost friend was trying to find me, I'd be thrilled. The song "Somewhere Out There" comes to mind now.

Oh well. More later.


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