Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


No, I'm not dead, but I've never felt so close to death in my life. Monday my kids got the crud that's been going around, and even though I thought I was safe from getting it since all my mommy friends didn't catch it from their kids, well, I held the lucky number apparently, because I DID catch it from my kids. THEY were OVER theirs in 48 hours, and MINE has gone over and beyond that, and into the 96 hour mark. I will save you the gross details and just say that I lost 10 lbs. this past week, and the doctor told me yesterday that I wasn't quite dehydrated yet, but getting there. I had been TRYING to drink stuff, but everything I tried was simply YUCK. The meds I got at the doctor yesterday helped me so I could finally get some sleep, but I am still very weak to the point that if I don't carefully pound each individual key as I type this, the letter doesn't appear. More than one person has already asked me, "Are you sure you aren't pregnant?" I mean, there's always that possibility, but this is NOTHING like pregnancy sick.

This has been the worst week ever, I do believe. The kids get sick, I get sicker, I had to cancel several things this week, I didn't have the strength to sit at the computer until now, meaning I wasn't able to keep up with the checking account, so thing got bounced, and I burned my knee with a scalding hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. I was already sick as a dog on Thursday and I knew I needed to eat something, so Michael, on his way home from work Thursday, stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few items, and I told him I felt like I could eat some soup, so he got me some, I heated it in the microwave, sat down on the couch with it, and spilled it on myself. I screamed bloody murder, threw the bowl halfway across the living room, don't even know what curse words came flying out of my mouth, the kids looked at me like I was insane, Michael was yelling because he thought I just spilled my soup...he didn't realize at first that I had hurt myself, and I was bawling my eyes out and trying to get him to call his mom to ask her what to do. She said to put ice on it, and so I did, and she went to the drugstore to buy a bunch of different burn stuff to put on it. It made me so sick to look at my blistered instantly, and it is literally THE worst pain I have ever felt in my life. The ice only numbed it momentarily, but then the ice made it feel worse, so I pulled the ice off and it felt worse again, so it was like ice on,ice off, and then FINALLY Michael's mom showed up with stuff to put on it, so I cleaned it, then put some kind of pain reliever goo on it, them some kind of clear burn strips, then wrapped it with gauze and tape, and then put a cloth over it, then an ice pack,and then another towel, and propped a pillow under my knees, and took some pain pills. My parents also came because I wanted them to look at it to see if they thought I needed to go to the ER, which they said the ER would do the same thing to treat it as we had just done, and charge me an arm and a leg, so I didn't go to the ER. Travis wanted to go home with my parents, so he went with them and spent the night. Well, after the pain was better and the drama wore off, I remembered that I was hungry, and I sent Michael to Wendy's to get me some food. Well, I was so hungry from not having eaten in several days that I scarfed it down in a hurry. That night I had to sleep in a semi-sitting-up position because of my knee, but that is not what kept me awake all night....I had indigestion from the Wendy's, and I had NO MORE ROLAIDS, and Michael was asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up to send him to the store at 4:30 a.m. Well, yesterday (Friday) I was still feeling no better with the virus thing, so Michael took me to the doctor, and he gave me meds to help with the nausea, which they worked AND they knocked me out. That was great for last night, but today I had both kids by myself because Michael had to go out of town with our Pastor to help him drive some teens to a teen church camp. I was able to get both kids to take a nap at the same time, thank goodness, and took a nap, but the medicine made me have the worst nightmares. The rest of the time spent awake was purely boring because we don't have cable anymore, and so it was Blue's Clues and Dora all day. NOW I am just waiting on my parents to bring me supper. Now I'm totally spent from typing this, and if none of this makes sense, it's because of the dope I'm on. I am going to lay down now.


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