Candy.24.Wife.Mommy.Pianist.Drummer.Trying to learn guitar.Poet.Songwriter.


I. Am. Stuffed. Ihop is good, very good. I just hope it doesn't keep me up all night. I really don't like it when link sausages go for a swim in my stomach at 3 a.m. I am also very tired. Church went extremely long tonight...try 2 HOURS, and then we met up with everyone at Ihop to welcome Terri home. Her flight landed around 9'ish tonight, and we all showed up there and surprised her and ate and drank lots of coffee, so even though I'm all caffeinated, I'm wiped out.

Anyone know where I can get a really cheap, good vacuum cleaner? We learned today that the motor burned out in my vacuum. I haven't been able to vacuum in over 2 weeks now, and it's Cat Hair City around here. Travis has a playdate Friday afternoon with Jeron, and I don't want Angie to bring her kids over here and them have to roll around in the cat hair. So I either need $100 or someone to donate a vacuum cleaner, like tomorrow.

Goodnight for now.


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